Newborn Twins Calm Down When Nurse Puts Them Next To Each Other
The moment the nurse put them cheek to cheek they calmed down.
Alyssa Fike

There is no bond like the bond you have with your siblings, especially twins. Twins have an unbreakable bond that can’t be explained by anyone but a twin. In this video, we see this fact get proven by these newborn twins that were just born immediately cry when separated and calm down when they’re reunited.

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Do twins really have a bond that is different than most people’s?

Although the bond between twins is not exactly scientific, there have been some studies to prove the emotional bonds twins have. One study shows that because when newborn twins only see each other in the womb, they recognize each other’s facial expressions first which makes their bond stronger than most.

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Twins begin to interact in the womb at around the fourteenth week of pregnancy, which explains why their bond is so strong. Although it’s not completely scientifically proven, the feeling twins have is undeniable and these twins prove it.

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Also, a lot of twins acknowledge the fact that they have a special emotional bond and can sense when the other is in danger. This can’t be scientifically proven but the way almost all twins acknowledge it makes it pretty easy to believe.

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As soon as the nurses pull the boys apart, the immediately cry for each other

These twin boys, Weston and Caleb, were born to their parents Lisa and Dane Lyman in Florida. The couple already had two little girls, Corrine and Amelia, although they weren’t twins. With this being their first experience with twins, they were nervous about what to expect, however, their expectations were blown out of the park.

Facebook/Lisa Lyman
Facebook/Lisa Lyman

In this video, we see the twin boys be taken apart to get their usual check-ups after birth, which causes them both to start crying out for the other. Although babies always cry right after their born, these babies’ cries are obviously aa cry for each other.

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Could you imagine spending nine months with someone and then they’re gone, that’s a scary thing to endure? The babies however need this time apart so they can make sure they are both healthy babies and these babies although a little early like most twins were definitely healthy.

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Whenever the nurses bring the boys back together, the calmness is restored.

After the boys get their check-ups, they’re reunited and as soon as the nurses touch their cheeks together, they immediately stop crying and feel so much better. It’s crazy how just the touch of their cheeks made them reassured they weren’t in this big scary world alone.

The mom posted this video on Facebook with the caption,

“Our twin boys comforting each other shortly after birth. One of our greatest hopes when we found out we were having twins was that, as they grew, they would be good friends and support one another. Seeing them comfort each other just moments after birth was almost like the first step in that special relationship. They recognized each other immediately, having previously formed that special relationship.”

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We’re sure the bond between these boys will be a strong one that’ll last for ages. This video is a great example that not all things can be proven by science, and the bond of twins is definitely one of them.

Facebook/Lisa Lyman
Facebook/Lisa Lyman

Check out these adorable twin boys and their unbreakable bond in the video down below!

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