92-yr-old flips the script on phone scammer with hilarious prank
They messed with the wrong grandma. 😂
Jake Manning

In an age where phone scams are increasingly sophisticated, 92-year-old Donna Salzman stands out not just for her wit, but for her cunning approach to dealing with fraudsters.

Donna has become an internet sensation by using her quick thinking and acting skills to turn the tables on scammers who try to deceive her.

Her unique method involves feigning vulnerability to catch the scammers off guard.

And it’s hilarious, indeed!


It all starts when Donna receives a distressing phone call claiming her grandson has been involved in a car accident and is now facing jail unless she pays a hefty sum.

Instead of panicking, Donna cleverly responds with a performance worthy of an award—fake tears and all.

This initial reaction sets the stage for a series of deceptive tactics aimed at misleading the scammer.


Adopting the strategy of “crocodile tears,” Donna continues her act with prolonged conversations, slowly frustrating the scammer.

Her goal is to keep them engaged, wasting their time as they try to coax her into making a payment.

With each passing minute, Donna’s feigned distress becomes a powerful tool in disrupting the scammer’s plans.


In various clips that have surfaced online, she is seen keeping the scammers on the phone until they either give up or hang up in sheer exasperation.

Donna’s tactics are remarkably effective.

These interactions show not only her humor, but also her strategic use of empathy and emotion as a defense mechanism.


The clips of these interactions were shared on social media by Donna’s granddaughter, Cheyenne, and quickly went viral.

She has amassed million of views, particularly on TikTok.

The irony of Donna’s fame on a platform she knows little about, TikTok, adds a humorous twist to her story of vigilance.


Beyond the entertainment value, these videos shed light on a grim reality—the prevalence of financial scams targeting seniors.

According to the FBI, seniors lose over $3 billion annually to various scams.

Donna’s experiences serve as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of the elderly population to such deceptive tactics.


Through her sharp wit and commendable acting skills, Donna does more than just thwart potential scammers.

She plays a crucial role in raising awareness about the common tactics used by fraudsters.

She positions herself as a vigilant and proactive senior who refuses to be an easy target.

One viewer said:

“Not all heroes wear capes. Way to go Granny on wasting those scammers time and saving others from being scammed.”


The impact of Donna’s actions extends beyond her immediate safety. She has inspired many, as reflected in the reactions to her videos.

Another person said,

“The rapture one was the best! She’s a hero to elderly people and anyone that’s ever been a victim of a scam.”

Her methods resonate with a broad audience, celebrating her as a champion for the elderly and scam victims alike.


Donna Salzman’s story is not just about avoiding scams – it’s a lesson in empowerment and proactive defense against exploitation.

Her ability to blend vulnerability with vigilance not only disarms the scammers but also empowers others to take a stand.

Donna, in her advanced years, has turned a potential victim narrative into one of victory, making her a true hero in the digital age.

See this genius and hilarious grandma in the video below!

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