Soldier Returns Home One Month Early And Surprises Her Mom At Work
She had no idea he had returned home early. As she walked by, she noticed a soldier dressed in uniform...
D.G. Sciortino

The most precious thing to a mother is her children. That’s why it’s so difficult for a mother to send her child off to be in the Armed Services.

The constant worry about their well-being is no easy task, and it takes a special kind of strong woman to make that type of sacrifice.

But all that worry and sacrifice melts away when they get to lay their eyes on their child when they finally come home. Sometimes their children like to make that moment extra special by surprising their parents with a visit.

And that’s exactly what YouTuber Larry S. did.

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“I told my mother I was to come home end of July, I came home a month early for a surprise,” he wrote in the description of the YouTube video he posted of the surprise.

Larry’s plan wasn’t all that sophisticated or intricate, but it worked out just as well. Obviously, the only thing that mattered was him getting to surprise his mother. Larry waited in the courtyard of his mother’s job, dressing in army fatigues, and was holding up a newspaper to hide.

Great disguise Larry!

But it actually worked. A co-worker helped to lure his mom out into the courtyard and she ended up walking right by him.

“She went the wrong way at first, that’s why it took so long lol,” Larry wrote.


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She got only a few feet past him before she did a double take and called out to him.

“I swear a mother’s senses get heightened when their kids are nearby,” said a YouTube commenter.

“Lol, good thing your mum took another look at him, cos it would have been awkward if she kept walking, lol,” said another.

When he popped out from behind his newspaper she screamed with delight! His mom jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around her son.

“What are you doing here?” she said with tears in her eyes grasping her son tight.


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She ended up asking him about three times before she stepped back to look at her son, then hugged him again while crying tears of joy. She stepped back again, then went right back to hugging him, which she also did a few more times.

Eventually, she spots and points at the videographer who was also in on the surprise.

It was a truly beautiful moment that all mothers can truly appreciate. You can watch the video of this wonderful surprise below.

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