When you have a baby, it’s your duty to keep that child safe and protected throughout life. The thing about life is, you’re bound to end up in situations that are out of your hands, and when that happens, you can only do your best to manage the dilemma at hand.
When this mother got stuck driving through a rally of agitated protesters, she tells them her baby is terrified and what they do is unbelievable. All as one, the protesters sang viral sensation,’Baby Shark,’ to try and soothe the frightened baby!
These protestors all began singing ‘Baby Shark’ after this mother driving through the rally says her baby is “terrified”
Elaine Jabbour is a mother of a 15-month-old baby, who just happened to be driving through the Baabda District, close to Beruit, Lebanon, this past October. Next thing she knew, her car was surrounded by shouting protestors and her baby was extremely frightened.
The citizens were out in full-force, protesting the corruption within the failing government, and their unwillingness to do anything about the crumbling economy.
When Elaine told the protestors her baby was frightened, the mood instantly changed, they all started singing ‘Baby Shark’
To Elaine’s surprise, the protestors tried to soothe her 15-month-old son, Robin, by singing the popular kids song ‘Baby Shark.’ In just a matter of seconds, the mood went from an angry protest to a theatrical masterpiece!
“I told them, ‘I have a baby, don’t be too loud.’ It was spontaneous, he likes this song. He hears it many times at home and laughs.” Elaine told CNN.
The protestors clapped along to the song, one even pretended to swim across an imaginary river
Like a giant flashmob, the protestors sang ‘Baby Shark’ while clapping and dancing, one sarcastic protestor even jokingly swam across the road! Elaine was very moved by the light-hearted protestors, she knew it was something special, so she took out her phone and start recording.
When she posted the video, Elaine thought she’d get the usual amount of likes and comments on the video. No way, not for this heartwarming and hysterical video, this is pure video-gold!
The video went viral so quickly, Elaine didn’t even have time to tell her husband what happened before he saw it on social media
As soon as it uploaded to Facebook, it was a viral sensation! Popular Facebook news stations and regular users have shared the video all over the world. It happened so fast, Elaine’s husband saw the video before she even got the chance to tell him! The video now has millions of views from various platforms, Inside Editionshared it on YouTube.
“Kids in Lebanon should have a better future. Robin will see the video when he grows up and know that Lebanese guys were fighting for him.” Elaine said while talking to CNN.
Elaine realizes how special this moment was! The fact that these protestors were able to put their frustrations aside in the name of nurturing Baby Robin, is something she will never forget! To see the hilarious video, watch the video below!
mom driving through a rally told protestors her baby was terrified, so they sang it ‘Baby Shark’
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