Mission Impossible?
Man’s best friend can be exquisitely brilliant when put to the test. They have helped humans in so many varieties of ways that it’s hard not to give them credit for their incredible senses. With that said, that intelligence can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including letting a fellow doggie out of a kennel. Such were the events that transpired in a young girl’s household when she noticed that her Maltese kept getting loose from her kennel every time she stepped away.
The investigation began when the young female dog owner decided to put a camera to record in front of the kennel in order to record any suspicious activity. This kennel was for her Maltese, Sophie, that seemed to fit appropriately given the space it provides.
We see the owner is accompanied by her other furry companion, Twitch the German Shepherd, to Sophie’s kennel in order to place her inside. Twitch watches as his owner latches the cage open for Sophie and then closes it and covers it with a towel for protection. This is where the fun begins.
Special Agent Twitch To The Rescue
As the lass leaves the area, Twitch curiously observes her leaving as if trying to pinpoint her every move. That look on his face tells us that there’s something cooking in his head and it sure doesn’t smell like any dog treats.
Phase 1: Sniff Around
After analyzing the room and space around him, Twitch sees the golden opportunity to strike. He begins to flip his head to and fro to assure himself the coast is clear and proceeds to operation: Prison Break.
Phase 2: Remove Towel
In a moment’s notice, he begins to unwrap the towel from the kennel with one swift motion. He then begins to sniff the kennel around to look for any weak spots of vulnerability. Suddenly, he realizes exactly where the latch is located and would you guess what happens next?
Phase 3: Open Sesame
Yep, he successfully opens the door and lets Sophie out of her little cage. It seems these two share a mutual bond and Twitch seemed to really value. Immediately, Sophie steps out of her kennel and marches along on her path to freedom. What an incredible feat!
Phase 4: Leave No Trace
It turns out that Twitch was the culprit all along. Ironically, it all happened under the dog owner’s own nose. The kennel made specifically for the protection of the small Maltese turned out to be completely obsolete in the eyes of the intelligent German Shepherd.
Mission Success!
Historically, German Shepherds have been considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds ever. As their namesake already states, their breed originated in Germany. It is a breed known for exhibiting strong traits such as fidelity, guarding instincts, and extremely active and energetic. They can range anywhere from 75-95 lbs. and require exercise of more than 40 minutes per day.
As the video demonstrated, their use of intelligence can lead them to be a bit sly at times. It is because of this that they should be kept outside and out of a cage in order to not feel cooped up or high strung. This could be why Twitch felt the need to release his doggie companion; in order to play around and get some of this energy out somehow.
Dogs are truly one of a kind. From playful to obedient, they never cease to impress us with their remarkable charm and sometimes unbridled mischievous personalities.
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