Stranger Says She Feels Sorry For Mother Of Three And She Had The Best Reply
Bravo, Courtney!
Ryan Aliapoulios

Let’s face it: being a parent is a pretty thankless job.

Not only are you responsible for the growth, safety and development of little human beings, you also have to deal with the opinions of others. Even for those who aren’t parents, having younger siblings may give you some insight. Simple tasks like going to the grocery store or out to a restaurant can be difficult with misbehaving children. This is without getting any dirty looks from viewers.

That’s why a recent post from young mother Courtney Lester has gone viral.

Lester was in a Wal-Mart when she was approached by a stranger. According to Lester, another shopper noticed her and her kids and had some choice words for her:

“I feel sorry for you, you have your hands full with all those kids.”

Needless to say, Lester didn’t appreciate the comment.

In response, she posted a picture of her and her kids online with a special message:

“To the stranger in Wal-Mart who said “I feel sorry for you, you have your hands full with all those kids”, this is what I have to say to you:

First off, my hands were empty as you can see in the photo (had to point that out).

What you can’t tell is that I lost 2 babies before being blessed with my last 2, so if you want to feel sorry for me, there’s the only reason why you should.

My children are blessings. They aren’t perfectly modeled citizens because, well, they’re children. Sometimes they’re loud, sometimes they misbehave, and sometimes they have complete meltdowns. However, you didn’t even see that side of them. What you saw was a young couple with a 4 year old singing a song, a 2 year old sitting quietly in the buggy, and a newborn sleeping in his baby carrier. If that is your definition of having your hands full, I feel sorry for YOU.

The truth is, I do stay busy. Some days, I can’t wait for bedtime. My children keep me on my toes and one of them always needs something, but I have never viewed them as an inconvenience or a reason for someone to “feel sorry” for me. Even on days when they won’t listen, have meltdowns, and when it seems like nothing I do is good enough, I have never felt sorry for myself and I don’t expect others to either. If having 3 kids automatically makes my hands full, so be it.. But please, never feel sorry for me because my heart is more full than my hands could ever be.”

The picture has spread across the internet as a rallying cry to moms everywhere.

If we can learn anything from this story it’s that we need to be careful about what we say to others. Telling someone who’s doing their best that you “feel sorry for them” is not a good look. Moreover, you never know the full story of what someone is going through—so it’s best to just stay positive.

Respect to Lester for standing up for her family!

Here is the full post:

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