Mom Rushes Elf on a Shelf to Emergency Room
Can you imagine being a doctor in this ER?
Ana Luisa Suarez

Going to the emergency room can be very scary. Depending on the type of injury you or a loved one has, you can wait for hours before you’re seen.

After a doctor assesses the situation, you might even be rushed into emergency surgery, depending on how bad the injury or condition is.

One mother rushed her “child” to the emergency room and the doctors were quick to jump into action.


When Jenn Thelen woke up to the sound of her 7-year-old daughter, Aubrie screaming, Jenn leaped out of bed to see what was happening.

Apparently, their family dog, Zoey, had attacked their Elf on the Shelf, Sam. And the poor elf was in critical condition.

If you’re not familiar with Elf on a Shelf, they are little elves that come to a family’s house before Christmas. The elf (each elf gets a different name from their family) watches the children in the house and reports back to Santa on how they’re behaving.

Every night, the Elf on a Shelf moves (and no, they aren’t just on shelves anymore) to a different spot in the house to watch their child.

Understandably so, Aubrie was distraught over the situation. But her mother told her not to worry!


Jenn is the nurse manager for the emergency department at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. Jenn assured her daughter that the staff at Arnold Palmer is the very best and they had doctors who are able to fix elf injuries.

In a post on the popular Facebook page, Love What Matters, Jenn shared the story of her elf being rescued by the medical staff at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children.

“Jenn took Sam with her to work that morning, and after careful planning, the medical team wheeled him into the trauma bay. The team used expired medical products to work on the elf, and even used a special pair of Santa’s magic gloves. Aubrie knew that the elf could not be touched, but Jenn told her that the ‘magic gloves’ would allow the team to work on Sam.”

An ER worker named Ashley worked carefully to put Sam back together. After the team’s hard work, Sam was in good condition to go home with his family.


The story has gotten an overwhelming amount of attention. The Facebook post has 37,000 likes and over 18,000 shares.

Comments on the post are varying, some people sharing their own experiences with Elf on a Shelf, while others are praising this mom and the hospital staff.

One commenter wrote:

“This is awesome!! Thank you to the mom and staff at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children for your dedication to children and the magic of Christmas!! Merry Christmas to you all!!”

Please SHARE this hilarious emergency room visit with your friends and family on Facebook today.

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