Your dad has enough ties. So if that’s what you were thinking of getting your dad for Father’s Day, you need to step up your game.
More likely than not, your father is a man who values practicality.So why get him something he’s going to toss into the back of his drawer or closet never to be seen again?
He wouldn’t want that and, more importantly, dad doesn’t deserve that.
You want to get his something that’s gonna make him all like:

There’s still plenty of time to make him something awesome. We’ve found some great last minute DIY gift ideas that your dad (and your wallet) will love.
Here are the best ones we found:
1) Homemade Beef Jerky
If your dad is a meat guy he’ll probably love some homemade jerky. There are tons of different recipes where you can make all types of different flavors. Here‘s a recipe for some basic jerky.

2) Coffee Mug
You can make your own customized mug for dad with a Sharpie, a mug from the $1 store, and an oven to bake it in. Get the how-to here:

3) Hot Pepper Oil
If you dad like spicy things then you might want to make this simple hot pepper oil recipe. Get the recipe here.

4) Mini Jar in a Jar
You can make your dad a mini bar by tossing your dad’s favorite shooters into a jar.

5) Cookies
They say the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Here are a bunch of fun ideas for Father’s Day cookies here.

6) Man Soap
Homemade soap doesn’t have to be fruity and feminine. You can make your dad some natural man soap by following this recipe here.

7) Laptop Desk
Tell your dad you love him by ensuring that he never burns his legs with this laptop desk. Tutorial here.

8) Seasonings and Rub
Dads love to grill and nothing makes grilling better than seasonings and rubs. Here‘s a DIY for taco seasoning and a BBQ and a steak and beef rub.

9) Homemade Shaving Cream
If you want to get your dad something better than some Old Spice, you can make him this fancy rosemary and mint shaving cream. The recipe is here.

10) Pickle It
You can pickle, carrots, cauliflower, and lots of other delicious vegetables with these instructions.

11) Carving Board
You can make a cool carving board for dad with these DIY instructions.

12) Custom T-Shirt
There are lots of different ways to make awesome looking t-shirts for dad. If you’re not much of an artist, you can get some t-shirt transfer paper and make a great shirt with a printer and computer.
Here are the directions for making the one below.

13) Customized Apron
You can even use that transfer paper or some paint to make an awesome customized apron.

14) Bottle Cap Fishing Lures
If your dad is a fishing man, this is the perfect gift. You can find the instructions here.

15) Tie Rack

The perfect gift if you’ve been giving your dad ties for years. Find the tutorial here.
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