Famous deer that visits same town every Christmas shows up with an arrow through his head
Carrot is one very special buck! 🦌💓
Rose Ann Dabu

It’s a life-threatening injury!

There has been a growth in the population of deer in Kenora, Ontario, Canada. These hooved mammals that belong to the family Cervidae are known to be aloof, especially to humans. They use their agility to stay away from predators and hunters, while they use their horns as a weapon or defense against any direct attack.

Over the past 3 years, though, one buck has proven to the residents of the City of Kenora that not all of its kind act the same way.


Carrot, as they named him, is incredibly friendly and approachable when it comes to people- particularly to Lee-Anne Carver and her partner.

Carrot is a regular visitor of the town.


He first showed up in town as a fawn three years back, he was friendly and wasn’t intimidated by people. The residents then called him Carrot and the deer has paid regular visits in the town, especially every Christmas.

With all the people that he’s been with, he has shown a different attachment with Carver and her partner. And that’s where their special bond started.

When Carrot recently returned to the town for the holidays, everyone, especially Carver, was shocked by what had happened to her dearest deer friend.

Carrot showed up in her backyard with an arrow lodged through his head.

Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club
Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club

It was nowhere near what they had expected to see for the holidays. The poor condition of the deer stressed them out. They initially didn’t know how to react or how to remove Carrot from his miserable condition.

Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club
Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club

Seeking professional help, support, and prayers, Carver decided to put up a Facebook page for Carrot which they called Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club. There, updates and progress regarding the buck’s condition were published, giving everyone a glimpse of Carrot’s story.

Carrot’s life was at stake.

At first, Carver was doubtful about removing the plunged arrow in Carrot’s head. They feared that removing it might only cause him more complications.

Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club
Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club

She uploaded a video of Carrot showing his severe condition and, in the caption, she explained:

“I have also had a local hunting business owner writing to me explaining the bolt in detail. As horrible as the injuury is, it may now be saving Carrot’s life. Any attempt to remove it may cause severe bleeding (as the CTV National News article covered) or even nerve damage. It appears the bolt has cauterized teh wound. Cutting the bolt also comes with a whole set of problems. Carrot is not going to stand still for that and, even if he did, the bolt is made out of carbon and it will splinter and shard, and those splinters can easily cause infection in Carrot.”

They needed to act fast but with caution- and it was now or never!

Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club
Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club

One day, Carver found the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry team in her backyard with Carrot tranquilized in an attempt to remove the bolt before something even more dangerous and life-threatening happens to the deer.

Thankfully, the team was able to take the bolt out of his head, they then injected Carrot with antibiotics, and tagged him so that they could easily track him, especially if something bad happens again.

With lots of care and prayers, Carrot has been given a clean bill of health.

Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club
Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club

He is definitely a fighter and a formidable type of creature. Carver and all of the people who have shown and given their love and support to him are all relieved that, finally, their beloved buck is out of danger.

Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club
Facebook/Carrot the Magic Deer and the Orange Heart Club

Carrot’s story has shown everyone how strong his will to live is and that deers’ lives are also precious and worth saving. We pray that Carrot gets to live his life normally, out of any type of danger, and hopefully, he gets to visit the town again, befriend more people, and inspire them with his story.

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