Charlotte Teen Registered People To Vote As They Waited In Popeye’s Line
Caring teen too young to vote, but encourages people waiting for their food to fill out voter registration.
Bella Scotton

Some of the teens of today are intent on making a change for the future.

Seventeen Year Old David Ledbetter Is Setting The Example

David could have just played with his cell phone while waiting in the long lineup to get his Popyeye’s chicken sandwich. That is not what he chose to do however, as he put this time to good use.

Registering People To Vote

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David giving the people in the Popeyes’s lineup the chance to register to vote was more than just a convenience for those who did so.

With David making the effort to get people to register he was making a real statement. He was showing that if the young people cared about this then so should everyone else.

Not Even a Legal Voter


David is not even of the legal age to vote yet, but he did the next best thing

David is bringing the importance of having the right to vote to the forefront. For some, this may be something that they have taken for granted.

Extra Attention for Popeye

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Popeye’s certainly didn’t suffer from the extra attention that David brought to by his actions.

Popeye moved up the ranks in popularity as the result of the challenge between them and Chic-Fil-A.

Has Fame Gone To David’s Head?

Some may think that instant fame like David is enjoying might go to his head.

To the contrary David is excited that the extra publicity will bring even more attention to the importance of voting.

Beyond the Polls

David is not just focused on politics but has a keen interest in assisting students find ways to get to College. He does through his involvement with Imagine This.

David Ledbetter Does Young People Proud


David’s actions and his humble acceptance of the attention he has been receiving is something that he and others in his age group should be most proud of.

Other Teens With A Voice

It is refreshing to learn that David is not the only young person that has a keen interest in the upcoming elections.

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Senator Mike Gravel as an 88 year old former senator is making a bid for the 2020 presidency.

What is even more surprising is that he is putting the control of his presidential campaign in the hands of three teenagers.

The Big Question is Why?

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What would ever entice three teenagers to want to promote a senator of this age to run for the Presidency?

The answer is because they believe in everything that the senator stands for. These three teens who are David Oks, Henry Williams and Elijah Emery have all seen something in Senator Gravel that impresses them. To the point where they think he should be leading the nation.

Not The First Time Around

This is not the first time the Senator has considered the presidency. He was a candidate in the 2008 presidential race.

Does The Senator Plan On Winning?

The senator is adamant that he has no chance of winning. But, nevertheless he is going ahead with his campaign.

The Mandate

The mandate that the three teens have is to make a stance for the things that both the teens and the senator believe are important for the future of the country. In a nutshell they want to use the political platform to make their statements. A way to make sure that nothing is missed.

Tampering The Approach

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These teens started out with a bit of an aggressive approach which they refer to as acertic wit.

This however has been brought under control by the Senator moving forward. Senator Gravel does not engage nor believe in attack type politics.

Teens Talk Politics

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This group of teens are preparing for their political futures early.

A group ranging in ages between 15 to 18 in Augusta Georgia have become a group known as the Youth Platform.

Issues That Count

At a recent gathering at the Crock Center the youth discussed current political issues such as immigration, incarceration, transgender inequality and political performances of leaders.

The Mandate

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To motivate youth to get involved in politics because they are the next generation to vote.

With youth like this getting involved as they are, it is them who is going to make the difference for the future

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