Baby oil is one of the basic needs of an infant. It is clinically formulated to be safe from any harmful components that may irritate a babyโs skin. Though most of us associate it as a product made solely for the use of a child, there are a lot of alternative uses for this amazing product that have nothing to do with babies.
Here are 35 ways to utilize baby oil that you probably didnโt know.
1. Make-up remover
After a long dayโs work, all you want to do is to get rid of your make-up and go to bed with a fresh face. But sometimes, removing your make-up can be quite difficult because most products these days are waterproof and some make-up removers are not gentle on the skin.
What you need in this situation is gentle baby oil. It actually is a great make-up remover without the hassle and the harmful effects other makeup removers can have on your skin. Just put some oil on a cotton pad and dab away.

2. Removes temporary tattoos
Temporary tattoos may either be from henna tattoos or other washable materials. If you are in a hurry to remove your temporary tattoo, just grab a bottle of baby oil, get a few drops on a cotton ball and wipe away the tattoo. Youโll get your clear skin back in no time.

3. Aid for better waxing
When you wax the hair on your feet, brows or arms, there can be wax residue that is difficult to remove. With a few drops of baby oil, youโll be able to get rid of the remaining wax on your skin.

4. Skin moisturizer
After a shower, our bodies use their natural oils to keep the skin moisturized in order to prevent the skin from getting dry. By adding a few drops of baby oil and applying it on the skin after showering, the moisture gets locked in even better.

5. Removes stuck rings
Have you ever had a ring that has gotten stuck on your finger and it doesnโt seem to budge at all? In this case, you need something to lubricate your finger to help the ring fall out without having to worry about your skin being irritated in the process. What you need is none other than baby oil.

6. Prolongs shower gel
Adding baby oil to your shower gel makes it last longer. Plus, it even increases the moisturizing effect of the shower gel because moisture is retained in your skin even longer.

7. Softens cracked heels
Having dry skin is one of the causes of cracked heels. This condition can cause discomfort as well as a hit on oneโs self-esteem since having cracked or dry heels can prevent a person from wearing open footwear because of being self-consciousness. In order to help you get your smoother heels back, use a few drops of baby oil and soak your heels for a few minutes. Then, you can use a pumice stone to remove the cracked skin.

8. Aids in removing stickers
Kids can stick anything on the wall of the house or some appliances. The next time your kid places stickers on your wall, be sure to have a bottle of baby oil on hand so that you can take care of the mess instantly.

9. Helps in removing smudges on steel appliances
Smudges on smooth appliances such as your refrigerator can be very difficult to remove. In order to preserve the smoothness of your appliance, place a few drops of baby oil over the smudge first and remove it with a clean towel after a few moments.

10. Helps in fixing squeaky things
WD-40 may be useful for lubricating squeaky hinges but if you donโt have this product in your home, using baby oil can also the trick. It works the same way as WD-40 so it should reveal the same result.

11. Used for better shaving
Have you run out of shaving cream and itโs too late to go to the store? No problem! Grab the baby oil in your childโs nursery, apply it on your skin and shave away. Itโs gentle so you wonโt have to worry about having irritated skin, too.

12. Helps clean shower curtains
Shower curtains can build a bit of mildew and scum on their ends because of constant exposure to moisture and soap. Baby oil is useful in easily removing the scum from the shower curtain. In fact, baby oil is not only great for cleaning the dirt in the curtains but also in the tub and anywhere that has soap scum on it.

13. Blends color pencils
Is your child into arts and crafts? Using baby oil to blend colored pencils can be a really great coloring method that your child can try and enjoy.

14. Helps in achieving smooth shredding
Part of a paper shredderโs regular maintenance is keeping it oiled so it will work smoothly. How to do this? Get a sheet of paper, dab it with enough baby oil and place it inside the shredder once the oil has dried.

15. Nail polish frame
Do you struggle to keep your nail polish spot-on? Putting nail color can be really messy. One way to keep it clean is by swiping baby oil in your nail frame and wiping the excess nail polish once you are done.

16. Softens cuticles
Baby oil is not only great for keeping your manicure neat but is is also a great cuticle softener. Just soak your nails with baby oil for a few minutes so that the cuticle is softened before you get to work on your manicure.

17. Scrub to soften lips
Dry and chapped lips can be very painful and uncomfortable. In order to keep them soft and supple, you can make use of a lip scrub composed of baby oil, half a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. Rub this mixture on your lips every night to keep your lips free from dryness and chapping.

18. Used for massages
Of course, we know that a massage wouldnโt be complete without aromatic oils that therapists use. If you are craving a quick massage at home, you can actually get your partner to give you a back rub and use baby oil instead of aromatic oils. Baby oils smell good anyways and are somehow relaxing because, hey, it smells just like your baby.

19. Fights earwax buildup
Did you know that baby oil can also help in preventing earwax buildup? Instead of poking Q-tips in your ear, you can place a few drops of baby oil inside your ear canal and wait for the earwax to fall out.

20. Used in de-tangling necklaces
A tangled necklace is one of the most frustrating things in the world. Imagine being late for an event but you canโt go just yet because the necklace that goes perfectly with your dress is tangled. In this emergency situation, just grab the bottle of baby oil, drop a few oil on the tangled jewelry and carefully untangle it.

21. Removes paint
After completing your do-it-yourself wall painting, you realize thereโs still paint left on your arms, your fingernails and your palm. What do you do to get rid of this? Use baby oil, of course. Just apply it on the parts with paint, wait for the paint to soften and carefully remove them from your skin.

22. Shines wooden furniture
Baby oil is a useful product when it comes to preserving the beauty and shine of your wooden furniture. Get a soft cloth, place a few drops of oil and wipe away to let your furniture and fixtures shine.

23. Polishes golf clubs
Clearly, baby oil is proving to be a great polishing agent to metals, too. You can even use baby oil to polish your golf clubs with it!

24. Fixes a stuck zipper
A stuck zipper is so annoying, plus it can be hard to fix. But, actually, all you need is a few drops of oil, like baby oil, to get it working again.

25. Removes bubble gum on clothes
Have you ever had the unfortunate experience of sitting on bubble gum and having it stuck on your favorite pair of pants? If you have, donโt fret because all you need to solve your problem is baby oil. Just soak the part of the clothing with bubble gum, wait for a few minutes and gently remove the gum.

26. Used for shining leather
Now back to baby oil and its amazing polishing capabilities. If it can polish wood and metal, it can also polish leather, too.

27. Aids in removing adhesive bandages
Changing the Band-Aid on a scraped knee can add to the ache so if you want to lessen your kidโs discomfort, soak the adhesive bandage with a few drops of baby oil first before pulling it off. This should help the adhesive come off easily without any pain.

28. Cleanses and improves dashboard
The dashboard of your car can be really bothersome. There are specks of dust and scrapes in every corner and crevice and you donโt know how they got there to begin with. Guess what? Baby oil can help keep your dashboard clean and shiny in no time at all.

29. Removes grease from hands
The grease that you get from working on machines can be really tough to remove. Thankfully, baby oil can help in these kinds of messy situations.

30. Use as a bath oil
Since baby oil is indeed an oil that is meant to be used to soften babyโs skin and keep it moisturized, why not use it as itโs intended? If it is great for babyโs very sensitive skin, it definitely will work the same way on your skin, especially during winter when the harsh climate can affect your skin. Just be sure to clean the tub really well after using it to protect the next user from slips and falls.

31. Helps in keeping you warm
Using baby oil can help keep a person warm during the winter season. Just rub a generous amount of oil on your skin to help your pores keep closed and warm underneath the layers of clothing.

32. Used to lubricate keyholes
Do you have a keyhole that is hard to get into? All you need is to put baby oil on the key and turn it a few times to lubricate the keyhole and get it to work again.

33. Used to revive your hardened body cream
During winter, your body cream can get hard and basically become useless. But, with the use of baby oil added on the hardened cream, you can revive the cream and use it again so that your skin isnโt dry in the cold winter air.

34. Use baby oil when dusting
Baby oil is perfect for getting the dust on top of spaces and within small crevices. Whether you drop a little bit of oil on the surface or put it directly on the cloth does not matter because both ways can help you keep spaces in your home dust-free.

35. Create your kidโs mosquito repellent
Creating your own mosquito repellent for your kids is now possible. Just mix baby oil with Dettol and youโre good to go.

So the next time you see a bottle of baby oil, you know there are a lot of other ways that you can use it besides just using it for your little one.
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