Kind school crossing guard puts out free coats for freezing students
It's not the first time she's done something like this either.
Cherie Gozon

We see kindness in all kinds of forms from different people.

Unsplash - Joel Muniz
Unsplash - Joel Muniz

Most people with something extra to give are willing to give back to the community through generous donations. They look for ways to reach out to underprivileged people and try to provide for their basic needs.

But some people share, no matter how little they have.

Unsplash - Connor Hall
Unsplash - Connor Hall

These people prove that kindness can be shown even in the simplest ways. That, for me, is the true essence of it โ€“ to have the heart to give even if you have little to offer.


One crossing guard in North Carolina showed that amount of kindness.

YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News
YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News

Minnie Galloway has been a crossing guard in front of Trask Middle School in New Hanover County for 19 years. During all those years, she made sure kids crossed the street safely on their way to school and back home.


But Ms. Minnie did not only provide safety; she also gave them warmth.

YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News
YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News

People noticed how she had a rack full of coats just on the same corner she was stationed. What made it more worth the attention was the sign on them that says FREE COAT GIVE AWAY.


Minnie displayed them in case children would need a coat to keep them warm.

YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News
YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News

She said she noticed some children who passed by in the crossing without any coats. This concerned her so much, especially since the weather was getting colder. She said that some students would say they have one at home, but Minnie wanted to ensure that those who didnโ€™t have any would get a coat to keep them warm.

Parents took notice of Minnieโ€™s kindness towards their children.


Kayla Thomas, a parent, took a photo of their kind crossing guard and the coats she had nearby, saying:

โ€œIt took every ounce of restraint in my body not to put the car in park and get out and hug this woman, to thank her for using her free time to keep our students safe and for giving coats to people who may not have them.โ€

Another parent praised Minnie and highlighted how she was one of a kind.


โ€œIโ€™ve thought weโ€™re special to have Ms. Minnie. Iโ€™ve never known of a crossing guard like her before,โ€ Amy Mathis told WWAY.

This wasnโ€™t the only time Ms. Minnie shared her blessings to students in that crossing area.

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YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News

For the past years, she had given out school supplies, umbrellas, and gloves โ€“ all given with lots of love. Her acts of kindness never went unnoticed, with some parents coming up to her to thank her for what sheโ€™s doing for these children.

Little did she know that her simple act mattered greatly to these children.

YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News
YouTube Screenshot - WWAY News

Minnie displayed thirty coats from the Salvation Army. In a matter of few days, there were only half of them left. Some might think these kids wonโ€™t need the coats much, but those numbers tell everything. And it only shows that Minnieโ€™s kindness was needed and much appreciated by those around her.

Watch the video below to see an interview with the giant-hearted crossing guard for yourself!

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