Zumba has really taken the world by storm. It was created in the 90s by a Columbian aerobics instructor, in what he calls a “happy accident” when forgot his music before class. Instead of cancelling the class he made up some fitness dance moves on the spot, everyone absolutely loved it, and voila! Zumba was born.
But back in the 2010s it seemed like everyone and their aunt was doing Zumba… and they were. There were (and still are) Zumba classes for kids, dads, new moms, seniors, really every possible group or demographic you could imagine!
And it’s still a popular form of fun-filled fitness today.
Even professional entertainers like Madonna and Jennifer Lopez rave about how much fun they have doing Zumba – and they literally dance for a living.
Helle Rasmussen is a Zumba choreographer from Denmark with over 27 thousand YouTube subscribers. She frequently posts videos of the routines she and her class perform together, and they’re loved by the world.
This video in particular has over 300,000 views, and features her class dancing to the timeless tune, ‘Hit the Road Jack’ by the legendary Ray Charles.
This version is a jazzy broadway cover of the original song that is sure to get your feet moving.
Helle hops to the front of the class with a big smile on her face when the music kicks off, and everyone starts jumping in time to the beat.
One of the great things about Zumba is how it’s designed for you to go at your own pace.
And while all these women are really in sync (they must have been practicing for ages!) you can see they all have their own little spin on it. They’re caught up in the moment and having a great time.
Everyone is feelin’ it! Some are even singing along.
To be fair, how could you not? It’s just a sing-a-long-able song.
All the jive moves are so much fun to watch, and you can really see how Zumba is great for fitness – it looks like some tough cardio.
The professional camera person/crew that are filming the routine get some really cool angles of the dance that highlight all the best footwork.
The camera kind of follows Helle around the class and she moves back and forth, and gets some fun close up shots of her having a blast!
You can tell she really loves her job – but who wouldn’t?!
All her choreography seems like it’s been designed to be really accessible to all her students.
It’s a great mix of classic dance moves, jive, and lots of arm work to really help get in a full body work out!
As the music fades out the women all turn around and start kick-stepping towards the door. Almost as if to say they won’t be comin’ back no more!
But I’m sure they’ll all be back… with a class this fun it must be addictive!
Kudos to all the talented women in the group and to Helle Rasmussen for choreographing that fun footwork.
Where do I sign up?
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