Driving through your local area, the last thing you’d expect is to see a werewolf casually walking down the street. But of course, werewolves don’t exist, so your first thought after that would probably be to question just what kind of animal you’re looking at.
Without knowing much about the animal, it’s natural to be cautious- but this next story highlights just how important it is to stop and do your bit to help.

This werewolf lookalike is actually a very badly injured dog – who was sick, starving, and desperate to be saved. Many people feared approaching him, but thankfully, one dog rescuer didn’t give a stuff about appearances.

The poor homeless dog first began to worry people when he was spotted limping around Madera Ranchos, California. He was skinny, with bald patches where his fur was meant to be and a bent, shriveled tail.
Despite the obvious fact that he urgently needed help, people were afraid to approach him, and he soon became known as the ‘werewolf’.
It is incredibly disappointing to hear that he suffered needlessly for so long simply because people were afraid of his appearance, but thankfully, all was soon about to change.

Around the beginning of March, a woman spotted the poor dog out one day, and she decided to make a Facebook post asking for help.
Dog rescuer Megan Bowe took one look at the post and went straight to the scene.
“I was about ready to cry when I saw how bad off he was,” Bowe, founder of Bowe’s Adoptable Rescue Pups, told The Dodo. “He was really on his last leg. He was depressed and could barely even stand up.”

As soon as Megan arrived, it was clear just how unwell the poor German Shepherd was. In fact, he was so sick that he had no energy to fight, and he willingly got in her car to go to the vets.
“My vet thinks he got hit by a car, and that would explain how his tail was so messed up, too,” Bowe said. “That injury happened months ago, because by the time I got him it had already started to heal incorrectly. And with such a damaged pelvis, he wasn’t able to get around very far on his own to look for food so he was extremely skinny and dehydrated.”

Despite everything he had been through, the dog, who Megan lovingly named King, was one of the most loving, happy-go-lucky dogs you could ever meet.
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