Russian blogger Elena Shilenkova hasn’t cut her nails in over 4 years. While most of us manage to get a chip within a week or have trouble growing out our nails because of anxious behaviors like picking or biting, Shelenkova has managed to grow her nails out to a whopping 12cm.

Responding to a bet of a little over $3000 from a friend who said she couldn’t grow them longer than 5cm (or roughly 2 inches), Shilenkova buckled down and even gave up sports and travel to grow out her nails, which she now refers to as her “babies.”

She won the bet within a year and continued to grow them until she ended up in the Guinness Book of World Records.

While many of us can’t imagine having to be so careful, Shilenkova says she leads a relatively normal life with just a few drawbacks, such as giving up swimming and tennis which she used to enjoy (even though she has always had long nails).
“For example, I would say that my way of typing is a little bit different. I just need to constantly control all my movements. I have to think beforehand about all my actions and movements and try to avoid sharp movements and ‘behave’ softly – sharp movements are my enemy.”

And people’s reactions are about what you’d expect. According to Shilenkova:
“People have different reactions when they see my nails, some get frightened others don’t understand what they are. ‘Some say ‘they are so cool’ and ask for a selfie or say that they ‘respect me for my patience.’ ‘But a few ask me when I would finally cut them off.”

The YouTube and Instagram sensation says her long talons have brought her quite a bit of attention, which she says she enjoys:
“I do like having these long nails because I always get a lot of attention. If a person meets me once he/she would never forget me. My nails are like personal calling card. People see thousands of faces and are always erased from the memory – but someone with nails like mine would never been forgotten. It’s impossible not to notice me.”
The 35-year-old says she even has vivid nightmares of breaking her nails:
“I am most worried about breaking the nails in my sleep and I often have nightmares that I wake up with short nails. The dreams are quite real so I wake up in panic and check closely my nails to make sure they are alright.”
Shilenkova’s Instagram and YouTube pages are full of photos and videos of her doing everyday (and not so everyday) things to prove that life with long nails is possible.

Despite her newfound fame, Shilenkova announced last month on Instagram that she will cut her nails this summer:
“Hi my friends! I have news. At summer (June-July) I will cut my nails OFF! If somebody want to meet with me when they still long contact me directly!”
As for what will happen to the talons? Buyers have already claimed 5 of them.

You can scroll down to see a video with Shilenkova about her unique nails.
What a world!
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