Woman creates DIY AirPod earrings
You're going to wish you had these DIY earrings!
Patricia Lynn

This is a wonderful example of a DIY project at its finest. When you can solve a common problem with a quick and easy fix that is both functional and stylish. That is exactly what this young woman from Virginia did when she did not want to lose her AirPods.

Gabrielle was afraid she was going to lose her AirPods.

Buzzfeed via Gabriella Reilly
Buzzfeed via Gabriella Reilly

AirPods are a brilliant Apple product and millions have been sold around the world, but a common complaint and issue are that they are easy to lose. Since they are not connected, people can quickly lose track of them. That makes the owner a little worried, especially if the design of the AirPods does not perfectly conform to their ear which means they are bound to fall out. And AirPods are an investment that you don’t lose. Gabrielle Reilly is a 22-year-old woman from Virginia who had this problem.

“I’ve been thinking about earrings ever since I got them – I’m so scared I’m going to lose the AirPods. I’m not the kind of person who loses earphones easily, but my tragus earring tends to push out earphones. I think that scared me the most. But I needed AirPods because my cat kept chewing through all my wired ones. I made a necklace to attach them to at first, and since I already had that, making earrings was a natural next step,” Gabrielle told Bored Panda.

Buzzfeed via Gabriella Reilly
Buzzfeed via Gabriella Reilly

She created a thoughtful solution – turn them into earrings!

Creating the earrings herself, Gabrielle created a one-of-a-kind solution to keep track of her AirPods. She found small connectors that she attached to the base of an earring. From there, she used a variety of other jewelry pieces and connected those with wire to the earpiece loop. What a genius idea! Now instead of digging around for the AirPods in your purse or pocket, they are literally right where you left them – in your ears! The AirPods are detachable from the base of the earring while wearing or charging, so there is no need to worry about them being crimped or damaged.

Gabrielle’s creativity caught the eye of many others.

Buzzfeed via Gabriella Reilly
Buzzfeed via Gabriella Reilly

Gabrielle’s thoughtful DIY method caught on so fast that she even sold them for a time on her Shopify site. At the time, she sold them with different color and connector options and people loved them! But Gabrielle credits her mother for her creativity.

Gabrielle said, “My mom is a super DIY person. We have always made our own clothing pieces, jewelry, and a lot of random things from stickers to purse inserts. So I definitely owe all of this to her!”

Gabrielle plans to return to grad school and is a current paralegal. With her career goals in mind, she is still an awesome jewelry maker and we credit her for a creative and thoughtful solution to a common problem. Stylish, functional, and out of the ordinary, these AirPod earrings are bound to get your attention.

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Source: Buzzfeed
