15 Reasons Marring A Bald Man Might Be Better
A lot of women strongly believe bald is where it’s at. ;)
Cedric Jackson

It’s relatively common for young men to worry that someday, they’ll end up bald. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of guys without hair are more attractive to women. For them, that makes dating easier. Here are 15 specific reasons why dating a bald guy might be better.

1. They look fantastic

A lot of celebrities don’t have hair. Not only do they look better but it’s helped take their careers to the next level. But even ordinary men often look cool without hair. As a matter of fact, some guys look better without hair than they do with it. It gives them a rugged yet sophisticated look that women find hard to resist.

Pexels/Kevin Bidwell
Pexels/Kevin Bidwell

2. They appear strong

For some reason, a guy without hair looks stronger and more in control. Whether dressed in motorcycle gear or a suit and tie, they give off an aura of authority that’s quite charming. The women love it.

Pexels/Emre Keshavarz
Pexels/Emre Keshavarz

3. They’re consistent

Guys with hair like to try new styles, including colors, cuts, and even parting it in a different way. That means their appearance changes. But for someone bald, they have a consistent look. For women, the bald guy they start dating remains much the same throughout the relationship, which for some, creates a sense of security.


4. They require little to no maintenance

Especially for guys who always like to look perfect, being bald cuts down on maintenance. Just imagine never having a date show up late because they couldn’t get their hair to do the right thing?


5. They have a higher level of confidence

You might think it’d be the opposite for men without hair but usually, they have a high level of confidence. The reason is they’ve accepted who they are. That doesn’t mean they’re arrogant, just that they know the way they look isn’t going to change and they’re okay with that.

Pexels/Enoch Patro
Pexels/Enoch Patro

6. They don’t follow social trends

Instead of always trying to “keep up with the Jones’,” since they don’t have any hair, there’s no need to worry about staying up current hairstyle trends. For them, life is so much simpler. That’s a very attractive quality to a lot of women.


7. They’re not egotistical

Sure, some bald guys have a big ego but a lot of them don’t. They know what they look like in the mirror so they’re not constantly worrying about a receding hairline. The way they look today is the same way they’ll look tomorrow.

Pexels/Luis Quintero
Pexels/Luis Quintero

8. They spend less money

Without hair, there’s no need to go to a stylist. They also don’t spend money on high-dollar haircare products. Overall, they save money that they can use for making dates more exciting and fund.


9. They require less bathroom space

For women who are in a serious relationship with a bald man or even living with one, they have more room in the bathroom. The only item someone without hair needs is well, nothing.


10. They have great sex lives

Multiple studies show that bald men are more sexually driven. Research indicates these guys have a higher level of testosterone, which means women need to watch out in the bedroom.


11. They look cool in hats

For whatever reason, bald guys look amazing in hats, especially baseball caps. Some women think it’s because having their head covered makes their eyes and lips stand out. That makes them all the more attractive.


12. They’re sexy

There’s no denying it…bald men are sexy. It’s a combination of everything already mentioned — confidence, eyes, lips, and looking rough and tough yet slick.

13. They’re warriors

Going bald isn’t always about genetics. Sometimes, men lose their hair because of stress and always fighting to come out on top. That makes them warriors, true survivors of some pretty hard stuff.

Pexels/Bruno Salvadori
Pexels/Bruno Salvadori

14. They have an intense gaze

When looking into the eyes of a bald man, it’s hard not to notice the intensity of their gaze. At the same time, their eyes sparkle more when laughing and you can almost look into their soul when something’s bothering them.

Unsplash/Curtis Powell
Unsplash/Curtis Powell

15. Their heads are soft to the touch

A bald head is soft to the touch, making it something women love to run their hands over. Who needs hair when you have something so amazing? Forget about running fingers through a guy’s hair…go for the baldness, it’s far more enjoyable.


And there you have it, 15 wonderful reasons to consider either dating a marrying a bald man. It could just be the best choice you’ve ever made in your life!

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Source: Buzzfeed, Lifehack
