Sometimes a judge is so impressed by a contestant on The Voice that they can’t press their button fast enough. However, Jennie Lena’s audition took this reaction to brand new heights when she began singing, “Who’s Loving You.”
It’s a performance that’s so incredible it’s been viewed more than 41 million times on YouTube.

Reality TV competitions have helped launch many artists into lives of stardom. Let’s not forget that Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Jackie Evancho, and Amira Willighagen all got their breakthroughs on these types of shows.
Because of how many hopefuls audition every season (who wouldn’t want to be a star?) – it’s imperative that a contestant brings their A-game. After all, there’s a long line of talent out the door, just waiting to be discovered.

Judges can usually pick up on whether a contestant is truly gifted from their first performance. But every once in a while, it takes even less than that.
One blind audition that went viral began when Jennie Lena grabbed the mic on The Voice of Holland. After growing up in a family of musicians, she was excited to take a shot at the competition.

As Jennie opened her mouth and released the first note – something amazing happened. Two judges immediately slammed their buttons to swivel their chairs.
That wasn’t all though. About two seconds later the other judges couldn’t resist any longer, slamming down on their buttons as well.
All of this took place before Jennie even sang the first lyrics of “Who’s Loving You.”

Everyone sat awestruck listening to Jennie’s entire performance, which was full of soul. As it turns out, she’s a singer with a powerful voice that can chill a room.
According to her website, Jennie’s a fan of Blues, Soul, Gospel, R&B, Hip Hop, and Funk – which she “breathes new life into.” Her song choice on The Voice of Holland seemed to highlight her talent.

“Who’s Loving You” was written by Smokey Robinson in 1960. Since then, it’s been covered by many artists, with The Jackson 5’s 1969 version being most popular.
Not only did Jennie wow everyone with her voice – but she has a confident stage presence as well. At one point, two of the judges flew to their feet to cheer.
It’s not very often that a contestant is able to blow everyone away quite like Jennie Lena managed to do. She brought down the house, to say the least!

After Jennie’s viral audition on The Voice of Holland, she’s had a successful music career ever since.
On her site, it points out some of the great feedback she received. Famous blogger Perez Hilton said:
“It wasn’t only the best audition for ‘the Voice’, it was one of the BEST auditions I’ve EVER seen for a singing competition. Jennie is 1 of my favourite vocalists ever!”

The website also says:
“This Amsterdam-based gem is blessed with an outstanding voice and a natural gift for songwriting, she’s is a distinctively emotive artist combining timeless music with her own contemporary twist, constantly walking the line between pain and hope.”
These judges seemed to know from the very start how talented Jennie Lena is – and that she was destined to be a star. All it took was one note before they were unable to resist!
Watch the spine-tingling performance for yourself below.
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