The daily commute may seem like the most ordinary thing in the world but sometimes, the most interesting events take place while on board public transportation. One minute, you’re sitting quietly and the next, you realize you’re actually seated across your favorite celebrity. Or perhaps a talented team of musicians suddenly break into song, serenading the rest of the public for the duration of the ride.
There’s really no telling what can happen.

You also hear of heart stopping tales involving public transportation – you know, the ones that are often followed by reports of accidents and sometimes, even deaths.
Fortunately, this one has quite an interesting spin to it.

It involves a whale’s tail and a train that almost went over the end of the tracks.
Sounds like the makings of a great animated film, doesn’t it? In fact, a spokesman for safety in Rotterdam-Rijnmond, Netherlands named Ruud Natrop describes the scene as something “like the scene of a Hollywood movie.” After all, a train dangling over a platform edge truly is an alarming sight. Thankfully, it stayed in position thanks to a large sculpture of two tails emerging from water just underneath the elevated metro line.

The derailment took place in Spijkenisse, Netherlands at around 12:30 AM on Monday.
It was fortunate that there were no passengers on the train when the incident happened, and the driver was able to free himself unharmed.
However, he had to be taken to the hospital then to the police station for questioning while train officials investigated the train’s safety systems.

The sculpture, called Saved By The Whale’s Tail, was made by Maarten Struijs. He expressed his surprise at how his artwork, made of reinforced polyester, held together despite the weight of the train.
“I could never have imagined it that way, but it saved the operator’s life. The damage is an afterthought. I am amazed that it is so strong. When plastic has stood for 20 years, you don’t expect it to hold up a metro train.”

The residential neighborhood where the derailment took place was surprisingly quiet during the accident. It was during the next day that crowds gathered to marvel at the suspended train held in safety by the massive tail.

You only see scenes like this in action films where protagonists swiftly save the day by arriving just in time to stop the runaway train, or when a superhero suddenly positions himself beneath the vehicles to keep everyone safe.
But life can really take after the movies sometimes and if you’re lucky, you’re right there to witness it.

Viewers got quite witty and creative with their comments, too.
“The whale artist was a purported time traveler who we later will find out is the train operators great grandson.”
“The driver is going to have a whale of a tale to tell about the tail of a whale.”
“Support the art as it can save your life.”
It was the last comment that got upvoted pretty quickly. You have to admit, it was a work of art that played a major role in the scene.

Press play and watch how the sculpture kept the train from falling over.
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