Town Cuts Down Man's 30-Year-Old Tree, Regret It 3 Years Later When He Gets His Revenge
The town politicians regretted their decision to mess with this man!
Ryan Aliapoulios

Anyone who has ever seen a sequoia tree in person knows just how enormous these trees can get.

These trees are mostly found in the northern parts of California and in Oregon, as well as in some forests in China. They can live for up to 1000 years and can grow to be up to 311 feet tall. Those who have stood in front of a sequoia know just how powerful that feeling can be and how immense nature can feel. Still, some people bond with nature more than others—and some feel personally hurt when things happen to upset the world around them.

That was the case in a viral story that has been making its rounds on the internet.

The story takes place in Redondo Beach and seems to originate from a rather lengthy Reddit post.

It started when user u/GoblinsStoleMyHouse recounted a story about an unfair city that made him cut down a tree that lived in his front yard:

“Hi, I’m an arborist. This means I am a professional in the cultivation, management, and study of trees. I love trees. I think they’re some of the most beautiful, majestic, ancient living beings on our planet.

Today I am here to tell you a story of death, new life, and revenge. Three years ago today, the city council of Redondo Beach California ordered the death of my 30 year old pepper tree. It’s roots had begun to penetrate the pavement in front of my house. The city noticed and issued the death warrant of my tree. They furthermore made me pay for the damages to the sidewalk and for the tree removal.”

The story goes on to describe the tree, named Clyde, and how justice would still be served.

It continues:

“I loved Clyde. I’m beginning to get older, and planting something that I knew would live well beyond my lifetime was something very special. I took very good care of him. I drained his soil, I gave him a crutch to lean on when he was a young lad, and I watched him grow. Just as Clyde was becoming a strong healthy individual, expanding his root system, developing a canopy, and making his own way in life, the mayor took it upon himself to uproot my beautiful child.

Mayor Steve Aspel. You killed my child.

For this, you will pay. Two years and seven months ago, I secretly planted 45 California Redwoods and 82 Giant Sequoias in various parks, yards, and state properties around your city.

Today, each of their root systems will be at least 30 feet in diameter, and deeply embedded in the soil. You may have noticed the trees growing in front of city council, or that new one that sprouted up in your backyard. That’s a Giant Sequoia, and its growth will begin accelerating rapidly in the coming months.” Brew
Source: Brew

The folk myth-debunking website, Snopes, has covered the story and says that however amusing it is, it is likely false.

As it turns out, a city would likely only prune the roots of a tree that was encroaching on a sidewalk rather than cut the tree out entirely. And redwoods only grow in Northern California, not in Redondo Beach. Regardless, the story is a fun and eco-friendly revenge fantasy. Have you come across this story and if so, were you fooled by it?

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