For anyone who has ever had a dog, there is absolutely no question about their being man’s best friend. The amount of love and loyalty that they show us is simply beyond words and they just might be the most amazing animal companions to have.
Two Way Street
But as we all know, friendship is a two-way street, and the same holds true for dogs as well. It would take a very cold-hearted person not to love a dog back. There are many stories of great friendships between dogs and humans and the lengths to which they can go for one another. No matter how many of these tales we hear, there is no way that anyone can ever tire of another one.

Show of Love
One such story is that of Tonino Vitale and his 13-year-old dog, Dylan. Tonino was recently spotted pushing Dylan in a cart in the city of Vibo Valentina. Sabrina la Grotteria came upon this scene and decided to film it so that this heart-warming gesture could be shared with the world. She posted it on her Facebook account, and it soon went viral.

Not so Disabled
Dylan had unfortunately lost the use of his rear legs due to arthritis. That meant that whenever he had to be taken for walks, he had to be pushed around in a cart. Even though it sounds like a bit of a task, Tonino was not complaining. He and his family absolutely loved Dylan to bits, and there was no question of ever abandoning him.

Unconditional Love
People absolutely love the clip that Grotteria made of Tonino and his disabled dog. Tonino taking Dylan everywhere on the cart is a great example of the love that exists between dogs and people. When Dylan was contacted by a local news outlet, he was happy that people were watching the video because it might teach them to respect animals and take better care of them.

Important Lessons
This actually is an important lesson that all of us should learn. Chances are that we all know someone who has had to abandon their pets. While it might be argued that at times it is unavoidable, here is an example that we can all take to heart. It would be easy for anyone to abandon a dog in Dylan’s condition but Tonino and his family went out of their way to care for him and ensure that his days were not spent in misery.
Viral Fever
When Sabrina la Grotteria captured the video of Tonino and Dylan, she had no idea about the kind of response that it would generate. She had shot the video from a little distance away but was still moved by the love between the two. When she discovered that what she was witnessing was a part of their daily routine, she knew she had to share it with the world.
Sabrina was surprised when her clip garnered national attention, was viewed hundreds of thousands of time and was even able to generate headlines across Italy. However, she should not have been that surprised given the fact that she captioned it perfectly by saying that the video contains just one word – humanity.
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