Coffee filters aren’t just for brewing delicious coffee. There are lots of other practical uses for coffee filters as well. Here are some ways to use coffee filters around your home.
Strain Wine to Separate Cork From Wine
If you’ve broken a wine cork inside a bottle, you can place a coffee filter over the bottle and strain the wine out into a new container without broken cork bits.
Face Oil Blotter
You can use a coffee filter as an oil blotter sheet for your face.
Sandwich On-the-Go
If you’re eating your sandwich on-the-go, you can place it in a coffee filter to prevent yourself or your kids from making a mess. Coffee filters also work well for serving pita sandwiches.
Clean Your Electronics
Coffee filters are great for wiping down your computer, TV, and cell phone screens since they don’t leave any lint behind.
Heat Up Leftovers
Use a coffee filter over the bowl or plate that you’re microwaving to protect your leftovers when you heat them up and prevent splatter.
Clean Windows and Glass
Using coffee filters to wipe down your windows and glass will leave a lint-free, streak-free shine.
Soak Up Grease
You can place a coffee filter underneath bacon, fries, fried chicken, or other greasy foods to soak up the grease.
Serve Popcorn or Other Snacks
Coffee filters can serve as little disposable bowls.
Mess-Free Popsicle Eating
Push the stick of your popsicle stick through a coffee filter to prevent the pop from melting onto your hands.
Odor Eater/Sachet
Place baking soda or potpourri in a coffee filter and tie it off to create an odor eater or scented sachet.
Tea Bags
You can cut a piece of a coffee filter, pour in dried tea leaves, and tie it with a string or staple it to make a homemade tea bag.
Yogurt Dip
Place a coffee filter over a deep cup or jar and pour 8 ounces of yogurt onto your filter. Let it drain for one hour. Mix your drained yogurt with 1 small minced garlic clove and 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley. Add salt and pepper to taste and eat with crackers.
Protect Your Fine China
Flatten out a coffee filter and place it in between your china when stacking your dishes.
Keep Spoil in Your Pot
Put a filter at the bottom of a flower pot over the drainage hole, then pour your soil on top. This will prevent your soil from leaking out the drainage hole.
Smart Parts Keeper
If you’re working on something that has small parts like screws, you can keep them in a coffee filter, so they don’t get lost.
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