Most of the images we see in the media are an illusion. For some reason, some mass media feels the need to only show what they deem as a perfect human form.
But with technology like Photoshop, even the most perfect human specimens are modified into images that simply aren’t attainable for real humans.
The effect these false images have on the human psyche, especially that of women can have terrible effects. They’ve created a nation of humans who spend most of their lives hating themselves and the way they look in the mirror.

They’ve also caused people in society to ostracize and bully those who don’t fit the ideal standards shown in the media.

And in the worst of cases, they cause people to self-harm with eating disorders and even suicide.

But in the past few years, some people have finally had enough. They are boycotting and denouncing media outlets that Photoshop images of models and have created body positive movements that are accepting of bodies in all shapes and forms.
Those people include plus-size models Diana Sirokai and Callie Thorpe.
The two of them worked with photographer Karizza to show how Photoshop can drastically distort the way a human can look. Karizza used Photoshop to turn these plus-size models into non-plus-size models.
“I have to say we look Amazing both ways,” Diana wrote in her Instagram post. “The purpose of this was to show you all how magazines and the media take editing to a different level. Models and celebrities do not even look like themselves. We live in such a fake world its time to bring real back. Own who you are and slay!”
Here’s what Diana looks like in a regular photo:

Yes… she’s absolutely stunning and beautiful exactly the way she is.
Here is a normal photo of Callie:

Equally as stunning and gorgeous in her own skin.
And here is a photo of the two of them, without Photoshop:

And here is the photo of the two of them, after photoshop was used to alter the picture:

Huge difference! They look like completely different people. That is how much photoshop can change how someone looks.

“It’s no wonder women are laden with insecurities. For years we have been subjected to perfect airbrushed and often altered images across the media,” Callie wrote on in her Instagram post. “Whilst Photoshop has its place and need in some parts of industries this is the extreme when it comes to editing, it just goes to show how much we can really alter ourselves. “

“I think @dianasirokai and I look perfect just as we are, two friends smiling for a photo. We want to show women that it’s okay to look ‘normal’ to have cellulite, stretch marks and tummies that aren’t flat and toned,” she continued. “Be happy with you who you are and the skin you are in.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves Callie. Kudos to these women and their outing of Photoshop!
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