Trooper gives 3 tickets to mom, then has her follow him to the store
This man has a heart of gold! 👮🏼‍♂️💖
Ian Carey

There are some good police officers out there. While stories of cops taking advantage of their authority or acting irresponsibly are plentiful, there are also tales of officers going above and beyond the call of duty. Some truly want to make their communities a better place.

Sometimes, stories involving police will go viral because of how good-natured police officers can be. These stories tend to involve officers who couldn’t resist helping a person in need, even if it involved putting in some unpaid time or purchasing things with their own money.

16 WAPT News Jackson/YouTube
16 WAPT News Jackson/YouTube

Bradley Sanders of the Mississippi Highway Patrol is one such officer.

Not long ago, Officer Sanders had been on a routine shift. He pulled over a driver and discovered that it was a mother driving with her toddler child.

The woman’s name is Niya Sumter and she was on her way to bring her son to the doctor when she was pulled over by Officer Sanders. Unfortunately, Niya had not secured her son in a car seat. Officer Sanders wrote her up 3 tickets for this offense- but then instructed her to follow him.

What Niya didn’t know was that Officer Sanders was going to buy her a new car seat for her son.

Officer Sanders used his own money to purchase a car seat for Niya and her son. Niya was overjoyed with the kind-hearted action from the police officer and shared the story on Facebook.

The police officer told the media that he got a call from his wife after writing the citations for Niya and this call led him to do what he felt in his heart was right.

“She was very grateful. She was saying, ‘Thank you,’ and she understood that the traffic stop was legitimate. She had no issue with what was going on,” Sanders said. “She did state she was trying to do the best she could with her son being in the car seat that he was in.”

Many people are just trying to do their best during hard times right now. Niya is just a mother trying to do the best with what she has. She’s in a better spot now thanks to the kind actions of one man who was in a position to help.

Niya took an adorable photo of the officer and her son at the checkout line while they were purchasing the new car seat.

Niya Sumter/Facebook
Niya Sumter/Facebook

Officer Sanders still followed the letter of the law that day.

He purchased the car seat but he also gave Niya the tickets for not having her son secured in a car seat originally. Sanders later said that there’s a good chance the tickets he wrote Niya will be dismissed, however. She will have to appear in court in January to fight them.

16 WAPT News Jackson/YouTube
16 WAPT News Jackson/YouTube

Sanders would later admit that there are bad apples in his profession.

He got into policing to help people, however, and he wanted to make a difference in someone’s life.

“Overwhelmingly, there are great cops out there. Are there a few bad apples out there? I am sure. But most of us got into this profession to help people, as I did myself,” Sanders said. “I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. I wanted to help.”

Niya Sumter/Facebook
Niya Sumter/Facebook

Watch the local news coverage of this inspiring event in the video below!

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