Quarantine has been pretty tough on everyone, but a lot of adults have been coping just fine with the lack of social contact. It’s harder on the little kids who still really like people!
Arlo and Arabella Devonport were missing their next door neighbor who they were used to seeing everyday!
With social distancing in place, Arlo and Arabella, who are 3 and 2 years old respectively, weren’t able to spend time with their neighbor, Leo Adlington, who they normally played with all the time. So close but so far!
Rather than letting quarantine have it’s way without a fight, Amy Vickers, Arlo and Arabella’s mom, came up with a clever way to let the kids play while maintaining social distancing and keeping them safe!
“Arlo and Arabella have been finding it hard not seeing anyone during lockdown. It got to the point where they were climbing on top of the rabbit cage that we have next to the fence so they could see over it into the neighbor’s garden—which is clearly dangerous.”
She had the bright idea of building a window in their fence!
After clearing it with Leo’s mom, Becca, Amy and her partner Danny got to work!
And the result is fantastic!
They ordered a plate of plexiglass off of the internet after making the necessary measurements of the fence and made a cutout where they could then screw each corner into the fence and secure it.
“At least the children can see each other now and chat through the window. We also bought wipe board markers so they can now draw pictures on them, and we taught them to play naughts and crosses on them too.”
That’s honestly incredibly smart! Good thinking, mum!
That’s a clever mum looking out for her kids right there! Socialisation is a really important of childhood and interacting with other kids is key in developing that socialisation! Not to mention, it keeps kids from getting bored and keeps them happy, what more could you ask for?
“The kids are at the window all day every day when we are home, so I think they love it!”
Even little Arabella is benefitting from this window, despite her age! She is beginning to do something called “parallel play.” It’s what a lot of parents have probably noticed before, where a child will like to spend time with someone but they don’t really play together so much as beside each other!
“There isn’t a lot of interaction with kids at this stage but it’s still important to give your child time with other kids.” -Dr. Heather Wittenberg
Ain’t growing up weird? The older kids meanwhile are clearly loving the window by the look of things!
Look at those big thumbs up!
Good thinking, Amy! I think a little creativity would do everyone some good in times as strange as these. We’re going to need it to stay sane, even with the new normal right around the corner!
What havew you been doing to make social distancing and isolation easier on you? Personally, I’ve just been watching a lot of Netflix and telling myself I’m definitely going to start working out tomorrow.
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