Solo boy accepts Git-Up challenge — nails it with smoothest moves yet
He’s got the moves.
Cedric Jackson

For several years now, online challenges have been all the rage. You’ve seen the Ice Bucket challenge that supports research for ALS. Then there’s silly challenges like ones that require you to eat an entire spoonful of cinnamon. But one challenge is not only fun to do but also a great way to exercise.

The Git-Up challenge was inspired by a song called “The Get Up” performed by Blanco Brown. Typically, a group of people perform the moves together. For this, it’s all about who has the best dance moves. As you can imagine, the internet is flooded with all kinds of crazy things. But one young boy decided to go solo. And we’re all glad he did because it gave us the chance to see just how smooth his moves are.

He’s young but this kid can dance.

Dressed in jeans, a white button-down dress shirt, a cowboy hat, and a slick pair of reflector sunglasses, he starts the challenge slowly while mouthing the words of the song. He might be small but don’t let that fool you. He has moves more like a mature adult. He even gives these cute little nods that make his performance even more fun to watch.

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As the music speeds up, his moves intensify.

Sliding from one side of his living room to another, he gives his heels a quick click. He also has incredible hip movements that you would expect to see from a professional on Dancing with the Stars. His rhythm is spot-on…he doesn’t miss a beat. He follows every direction given in the song.

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This is one cute two-stepping cowboy.

When the song says to “Take it to the left now and dip with it,” he does exactly that. Then he gets his hips to groove with perfect timing to the words, “Now lean back, put your hips in the Woo-hoo-hoo, let’s have some fun.” He may keep a serious look on his face but you can tell he’s having a blast.

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This boy puts others in the Git-Up challenge to shame.

He’s so good and has such an incredible way of moving his body, perhaps there’s a future for him as a pro dancer. One person commented, “OMG…get down with your bad self…this young man has rhythm.” Another person posted, “Excuse me…excuse me young man, just where did you get all that attitude to feel all that? Your mom has to keep her eye on you.”

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This video takes the cake.

Although the song, “The Get Up” includes a lot of step-by-step instructions, you still have to have some natural talent to make the moves look good. This kid didn’t just make them look good…he made them look fantastic. Whether being told to “Take it down now, take it, take it down now,” or “Bring it up now, bring it, bring it up now,” he nailed it.

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You too can join the Git-Up challenge.

Even if you’re not very good on the dance floor, this challenge is all about having a good time. You can find actual tutorials online that’ll guide you through each verse and the chorus of the song. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll have some incredible moves like this young boy and won’t need them.

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For extra fun, throw a party and have everyone participate in the challenge. Then video the “performance” and upload it online. Of course, if you’re brave enough, you might do what this kid did…do the challenge alone.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube
