Before we begin this story, let me preface it by saying this is probably the most sweetest commentary about snakes you have ever heard. I know that’s a grandiose statement, but when you watch the video below, you’ll see what I mean.
Let’s hope any reptile documentaries hire this man to narrate. I’m sure his voice alone would bring in viewers.
For most people, snakes are frightening creatures. Their sharp fangs, venomous bites, and sometimes large size naturally cause people to be afraid of them.
But not all snakes are venomous or out to bite you, and we know this information based on the brave people who study snakes and love them too.
This 79-year old retired reptile coordinator is one of those people. You can easily hear the admiration he has for these fascinating creatures in his voice.
As a retired reptile coordinator, this man worked for several Texas zoos. He still shows his support for the reptile enthusiast community by regularly speaking and meeting with his fellow reptile lovers.
Even in the video, you can hear him sharing some interesting facts about the female diamondback snake that comes right up to him to say hello.

“They’re not venomous, they’re large,” he says as he begins his short diamondback snake lesson. “I have my pants taped up because I don’t want one crawling up inside my britches. That would be kinda bad.”
The man had a tasty little snack ready for the snake, but it’s amazing that the snake felt comfortable enough to not only approach the man, but slide up his leg as well to retrieve his offering.

Then, in a gesture that really makes this kind old man’s day, the female snake lets him take hold of her tail as she slides back into the water.

His enthusiasm over the encounter is so sweet and heartwarming. It easily touched the hearts of the 20 million people who watched the video and shared in the old man’s happiness.

The man did capture an amazing video that day. Check it out for yourself below.
Please SHARE this sweet old man’s narration with your friends and family.