There’s a certain magic to being a kid. The entire world’s still new to the eyes of a child, even those with a few years under their belt. Toddlers and babies are kindred spirits. Their chemistry’s truly a sight to behold.
In fact, the toddler-newborn combo is completely unrivaled – an example of peak cuteness.
Just take older sister Gabi and her newborn brother. They’re spending some quality time in the living room. Naturally, Gabi’s curious about the newest member of her life.
She looks her brother in the eye, probing him. He seems to pass her initial inspection.
Some would say she’s nosy, diving right in for an Eskimo kiss.
Baby Brother’s a smooth cat. He doesn’t flinch an inch, standing pat and closing his eyes in reciprocation.

She then backs off, proceeding to take a deep look at her newborn brother. She’s a playful observer, almost like she’s testing him. Will his response be worthy?
She gazes into his soul.
He looks back, mildly interested, perhaps somewhat confused.

She backs away for a few moments, examining him from afar. I think he’s growing on her.
Now he’s curious, too. Baby Brother sends his love back, extending his arms for a hug. But she’s about half a foot out of reach.
He begins wiggling in place, struggling to get closer to Big Sis. He can’t quite find the grip.
She evades his grasp, but just for a moment.

She helps him out, giving him a warm embrace – an unforgettable sight for an onlooking parent. This is a rare moment meant to be captured.
Baby Brother’s smothered in sisterly love.
He offers his love, in-kind. The sight’s something to behold. They clearly love each other, unconditionally.

They break off their embrace after a few moments, but it looks like they both want more. Their little game continues.
Unsurprisingly, after the first comes a second hug. They outstretch their arms.

Little Brother breaks off the embrace. He creates a little separation with his sis. I wonder what he’s thinking.
He looks at Gabi, curiously. She stretches out her arms for more.
He’s unfazed, leaving her hanging…
Well, that’s not cool. So it’s gonna be like that?

He slowly inches forward, unable to contain his reserved excitement any longer.
They embrace yet again. There’s more than enough love to go around.
Big Sis holds her newborn friend snugly in her arms. They embrace harder than before.

Gabi and her newborn brother are still feeling each other out. Neither of them have really been alive for all that long.
Big Sis is still getting used to having a sibling. Yet the world’s still new to her, too. Meanwhile, Baby Brother’s familiarizing himself with existing in the first place.
Their proud mother, Kristin, explains the video,
“I was trying to catch a moment of these two ‘talking’ to each other. Instead, I got this on video. As their mother, there couldn’t be anything more heartwarming than this moment.”
Well Kristin, we’re all glad you were there to capture the perfect moment at the perfect time.
As for Gabi and Baby Brother, the world’s their oyster. They’re going to grow and grow and grow – together.
Something tells me they’ll be alright. They’re certainly off to a good start.
Hopefully Mom shows them the footage when they get older. It looks like they’ll be right beside each other in life, through thick and thin.
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