Often times our fears are quite irrational. It doesn’t matter whether we are in actual danger or not, there are some things that we just don’t like. For some people that means fear of tight spaces, heights, or weird looking insects. For other people, it is small animals like mice, as is the case of one man in a hilarious video shared by The Dodo.
The man sits down to go for a drive and finds a mouse literally staring back at him from the dashboard of his car.
“He is looking straight into my soul,” the man says in the video.
Over the next several minutes, a pretty epic battle plays out between the man and the mouse.
No matter what he does, he literally cannot get the little rodent to leave his vehicle. While the villain in most people’s story is an evil boss, local criminal, or even an angry neighbor, for this man, his arch-nemesis is a little pint-sized mouse.
“Don’t jump on me, I will literally freak out,” he says.
The first tactic he uses is to try and lure the mouse to the edge of the window with a french fry.
The idea is that if the mouse gets close enough, he can open the door and shoe it out.
“I have a french fry here, I’m going to give it to him as a peace offering,” he says.
However, it turns out, all this really accomplishes is increasing the risk that the mouse will jump on him.
As the mouse runs down the window ledge, it eventually reaches the end and looks back at the man like it is about to make a giant leap onto his lap. The only place it doesn’t decide to go is outside of the car.
The second strategy he uses is to try to get the mouse to climb into a brown paper bag.
If the mouse gets in, it can then be transported outside of the vehicle and released back into the wild.
“It’s safe in there. You’ll be fine in there,” he says to the mouse encouragingly.
Unfortunately, the mouse refuses the invitation.
The man even tries to bait the bag with another french fry, but it’s a futile effort. The mouse is quite content in the car, and it immediately springs back onto the dashboard.
Finally, the man gives in and decides to make a bold yet risky move.
“This is the only thing I can think of doing,” he says.
“I’m going to get her on my hand, and quickly place her on the ground.”
Of course, he places an enticing french fry dipped in ketchup onto his hand in an attempt to entice the tiny rodent to climb on.
“If you bite me, I swear I am going to be so mad,” he says to the mouse.
As he brings his hand up to the mouse, you can instantly tell the mouse smells the french fry. While it is very hesitant, it ultimately can’t resist. The mouse climbs onto the man’s hand! He quickly carries the mouse out of his car and sets it down on the ground.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” the man exclaims several times excitedly.
Finally, he is able to successfully get the little bugger off of his dashboard, conquering his fear of mice in the process!
His parting words to the mouse?
“You can keep the french fry,” he says.
It really is quite hilarious to watch and something you just have to see for yourself.
Check out the full video below of the man trying to get the mouse out of his car.
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