Golden retriever makes dad carry him on his shoulders because he’s scared of the escalator
Google's escalator ride turned into quite the spectacle at the mall.
Jessica Adler

People on social media always go out of their way to show their best selves.

But our internet personas can often be only a half representation of what we are truly like.

Apparently, some animals have the same types of egos as we do when it comes to their social media presence.


Take a golden doggo Google for instance.

He describes himself as lazy, cuddly, clumsy, and always hungry.

But he seems to have forgotten to add scaredy-cat to that list.

At least when it comes to escalators.

Let us explain. He’s deathly afraid of them.

He turns into a big pile of giant baby and needs to be held the entire way up.

He’s so afraid of escalators that he went viral for it.

Google has lived with his “hoomans” since 2016.

And Google’s hoomans treat him like he is their child.


Google’s Instagram page is filled with photos of him in costumes, getting cuddles, and going all sorts of places with his hoomans.

He has more than 119,000 followers.

But Google the dog gained internet superstardom after a video of him navigating a mall escalator with the help of his hooman dad went viral.

That video was viewed more than 2.6 million times.

It starts with Google and his dad walking toward a mall escalator.

Google is being led on a leash but comes to an abrupt stop.

That’s because Google spots the escalator a few feet in front of him.

Realizing that his dog isn’t going to budge, Google’s dad prepares to carry him up the escalator.


Google is so big that dad has to kneel down before lifting Google up under his arms like a toddler and letting Google wrap his arms, or in his case front paws, around his dad’s neck.

Instagram Screenshot
Instagram Screenshot

This got the attention of lots of people in the mall standing around.

Many people started smiling from ear to ear after seeing this big dog being carried like a child up the escalator.

Google’s escalator ride turned into quite the spectacle at the mall.

Instagram Screenshot
Instagram Screenshot

It also caused a spectacle on social media.

Many gushed over how cute Google and his dad are but others also mentioned the dangers of dogs and escalators.

Dogs trying to avoid escalators they’re being led to was a video trend at one point.

Instagram Screenshot
Instagram Screenshot

According to Inside Edition, a dog’s adverse reaction to an escalator is instinctual.

“Remember when people take the escalators, they kind of like see where it ends, where the belt ends so they take that step,” veterinarian Dr. Karla Nova told Inside Edition. “Dogs don’t know that belt is gonna end, they don’t know what to do.”

Apparently, escalators can pose a serious threat to dogs.

A little Chihuahua named Suki ended up getting injured after her paw got stuck in the escalator’s metal grates.

“I started screaming, asking for help and I just didn’t know what to do,” Suki’s owner, Josephine Ellis, told Inside Edition. “I look down and she’s actually stuck in the escalator and I saw her left leg, she was actually on her side and she’s just screaming.”

Poor Suki needed to have surgery on her crushed paws.

Veterinarians recommend that you avoid taking the escalator with your dog and take the stairs or elevator instead. If that’s not possible, it’s best to carry your dog up the escalator like Google’s dad did. Learn more about how you can keep your dog safe in the video below.

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