Rescue team follows one puppy to find litter in need of help
When the Northeast Animal Rescue, gets a call about a puppy that is appearing near a road. They rush to rescue the puppy only to have it lead them to its siblings.
Dani Halteman

Around the world, more and more animal rescues have been formed in order to combat stray animals in need of help. Whether they are lost, malnourished, mistreated, or dropped off somewhere to be never seen again the need for saving man’s best friend has only become more necessary. As well as, more and more of society has, in turn, looked into adopting these pups in hopes of showing them what true love and compassion really feels like. Many of us who have adopted or fostered puppies know just how much love these mistreated puppies have to give in return. However, the stories of what they have survived or where they were originally found can be heartbreaking.

Source: Helena Lopes from Pexels

After receiving a call about a puppy spotted close to a road the Northeast Animal Rescue rushed to find and rescue the endangered puppy. But when they arrive and further investigate they discover that this puppy isn’t alone.

Source: Youtube

When the puppy first sees the rescuers it leaps up with excitement. Once the puppy is up it begins to gallop and leads the rescuers over to its other sibling running around.

Source: Youtube

As the rescuers get closer to the second puppy they discover yet another puppy not too far behind!

Source: Youtube

Once all the puppies were found the rescuers brought out some water and food to get the puppies to come closer.

Source: Youtube

As one of the rescuers fills a bowl with water the first pup begins gulping down the water. Then the second one runs and joins in chugging the water in the bowl as fast as they possibly can.

Source: Youtube

The rescuers then provide the three puppies with some food which they gobble down without taking a breath. As shown in the picture below the two puppies sharing the bowl basically putting their whole body in the bowl trying to inhale the food as fast as they can. In the video, they mention that by the way the puppies were eating and drinking it was as if they hadn’t done either in weeks which can mean that the mom hadn’t been back in some time.

Source: Youtube

Northeast Animal Rescue waited some time for the mother to come back but she never showed so they decided to take the pups home to the rescue facility.

Source: Youtube

Once picking the pups up they discovered that there were two boys and one girl. One of the rescuers Will, pictured above on the right, named them Panther, Bear, and Myna.

Source: Youtube

Once at the facility the rescue team bathed the pups which they described the experience as,

“The first time bath was a bit dazed. The innocent look was heartbreaking.”

After gently drying these sweet puppies off they let them get some much-needed rest in a comfortable bed. The siblings then laid together cuddling as tightly as possible.

Source: Youtube

Thankfully, Northeast Animal Rescue was able to rescue these sweet puppies and give them the chance to find a loving family who will take care of their every need. If you would like to make a donation to help the rescue keep up the good work they are doing or to simply keep up with Northeast Animal Rescue’s day to day postings be sure to check out the links below!





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