Rescue Dog’s Adorable Tactic For Getting Adopted Will Fill Your Heart With Joy
Say cheese!
Emma Shallcross

There’s nothing more heart-wrenching than seeing an abandoned animal waiting for their new home in a rescue shelter.

Whilst cats tend to have an air of indifference about them, pretending they don’t care if they get adopted or not, dogs tend to wear their hearts more on their (somewhat furry) sleeves.


As a potential adopter walking down a corridor of a rescue shelter, you’d expect to see the usual puppy dog eyes and occasional pitiful whining.

For any normal human being, this will be enough to make your heart melt and wish that you could take every single pooch home with you.


But at the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana rescue center, one little guy had a slightly different tactic for catching the eye of potential adopters.

The shelter, which first opened its doors in 1997, has a mission to provide loving care for each little cutie they take in, and they strive to match each and every animal up to an adopter who can give them a ‘FURever home’ — get it?

They often post pictures and videos of new members of the shelter onto their Facebook page, which is a pretty awesome tactic for making sure these pooches are seen by all.

The Dodo
The Dodo

But for pup Burreaux, a simple Facebook video wasn’t going to be enough. He’d have to go above and beyond. He’d come from a litter of three Labrador puppies, and he knew that he’d have to stand out from his siblings!

At the beginning of the video, Burreaux stares up at the camera with adorable puppy dog eyes as one of the workers says hello to him. He wags his tail in a friendly manner and is clearly pleased to see her.

Then, as a totally awesome greeting, he flashes a full, teethy smile at her!

The Dodo
The Dodo

No one has any idea where Burreaux has got this little party trick from, though volunteer Sarrah Walton noticed that it seems to happen whenever someone talks to Burreaux in a high-pitched voice, telling him that he was a good boy.

She told The Dodo:

“It’s whenever you’re talking real sweet to him… he gets this smile like he wants something. It’s like he’s telling you, ‘Come pet me, come love me.'”

After beginning his life with such neglect and sadness, it seems that this little pup isn’t going to take another day for granted, especially when he’s been receiving praise from such loving humans.


Whatever this little guy’s reason for flashing his adorable smile, it certainly won over the hearts of the nation.

We checked the shelter’s website, and unsurprisingly it seems that Burreaux and his brother and sister have been snapped up. It’s not hard to see why!

Thank goodness this little pup will now be smiling away in his FURever home.


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