Man's attempt to kidnap three girls thwarted by rescue dog
The family of five had recently adopted the dog but had it not been for their new family member they may have never seen their little girls again.
Kristin Danley-Greiner

Rescue pets are incredible creatures. They have endured so much, sometimes unfathomable physical and verbal abuse. Yet all they want is to be loved.

Some balk at trusting another while others simply light up the second a potential adopter walks near their shelter pen. It’s simply beautiful when a rescue pet is paired with a new owner or furever family who’s ready to give him or her a second shot at life.

Fox News
Fox News

Edgar, a four-year-old treeing walker coonhound, couldn’t wait to go to his new home. So when the Lambert family laid eyes on him, it was love at first sight.

The Pennsylvania family excitedly took him home where Edgar immersed himself in the folds of his new family. He adored his human siblings, all three of the endearing little girls.

It turns out the dog they rescued ended up heroically rescuing them.


The family was sound asleep when Edgar’s keen hearing picked up on the sound of a prowler. Thomas Dewald, 20, had broken into the family’s home intent on doing the unfathomable.

He was planning to kidnap the children.


Just three days earlier, Dewald abducted a child and stuffed her in a wooden trunk at his grandmother’s house before the child could escape.


Dad Thom, 40, told FOX43 that he awoke to hear Edgar on guard and vocal about the intruder.

“It was like a growl-howl. It was obvious he was really upset and as soon as I got him to quit barking, I heard sounds of someone going down the stairs.”

Thom hustled downstairs to investigate and discovered the kitchen window and door were both open. He sprinted back upstairs to check on his three young daughters.


Thankfully they were sound asleep in their beds. Then he called 911.


Now, people are calling Edgar a hero.

Pennsylvania State Trooper Megan Frazer credited Edgar’s actions with saving the girls.

“The dog started barking and woke up the homeowner and scared away Dewald. That dog potentially saved the little girls’ lives. The dog is a hero.”


After capturing Dewald, police said he admitted to picking the Lambert house because of the three young girls living there.

“He said that he had been in the house and then our hearts really dropped.”


Dewald was charged with attempted kidnapping in the Lambert case and charged with multiple felony counts including kidnapping, burglary, false imprisonment, unlawful restraint and criminal trespass in connection with the kidnapping of the four-year-old girl three days prior.


Thom is beyond grateful for Edgar, their new family member, and what he did to save his daughters.

“He’s just the biggest goofball ever. I was like, of course it would be this huge, like, dumb-dumb pain in the butt that would save our children’s lives. Without Edgar, genuinely, who knows where our daughters would be right now. Our family was one hundred percent rescued by our dog that we rescued.”

Every single rescue pet deserves a second chance, just like Edgar. And Edgar proved that he belongs with the Lambert family.

How incredible is this dog?

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