Non-profit let's recovering addicts with dogs focus on healing
All dogs matter. That's why this non-profit organization aims to give assistance to addicts and alcoholics who want to undergo rehab by fostering their dogs.
Ma Fatima Garcia

“To provide and promote a safe and healthy environment for dogs of recovering addicts and alcoholics.” – Dogs Matter

Suffering from addiction is hard. May it be from drugs or alcohol, choosing to stop and fix yourself is a tough journey but it’s definitely worth it.

Some alcoholics and addicts who have decided to seek in-patient rehabilitation often have one problem – their pets. In most cases, they either choose to give their pets away or leave them in an unsafe environment or hand them over to a shelter.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

It’s very hard to start fixing your life knowing that you have left someone behind. It’s like this feeling of somehow abandoning them that makes this ordeal really hard. Most of the patients can’t concentrate on getting well because they are thinking about their pets.

Dogs Matter

“Dogs Matter offers a different choice. We are the only nonprofit agency to provide temporary foster care placement and supportive services specifically for dogs of addicts and alcoholics in recovery. We will take care of your best friend while you take care of yourself.”

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Dogs Matter is a Dallas-based charity that aims to give addicts and alcoholics assistance by fostering their pets until they are well enough to get them back.

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If the owners of these beautiful pets are confident that their pets are being loved and taken cared of, they will be more dedicated to their recovery process and from there, they’ll be out soon to be able to start a new life!


Dogs Matter has already been able to assist many people and pet dogs. In fact, some of these people have given their testimonies on how this organization has helped them.

“We were in bad shape — both of us,” John Daniel stated in his Facebook post. “I was so drunk and high I was slipping in puddles of his urine in my motel room, not realizing at first what they were, or that I wasn’t walking him. When I did realize, I knew I had to get him to safety.”

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That’s when a friend told John about the Dogs Matter and he knew what he needed to do. Dogs Matter placed Sebastian in a safe foster home and after John finished detoxing and was ready to be reunited again, Dogs Matter gave him an after-program scholarship which helped him get back on his feet.

“I’m sitting here with him now as I type this – 11 months clean and sober and we’re very happy. Thank you, Dogs Matter. From both of us.” – John Daniel


Another one of the many testimonies that people have for Dogs Matter is this adorable photo of Porkchop, being so happy licking and seeing his dad after visiting him in rehab.

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Chas J. posted

‘I am forever grateful to you for all your help!!!”
“Thank you so much for setting this up so I could see PorkChop !!! Seeing him gives me more motivation to continue this new way of life, Clean and Sober ! 😇 I am forever grateful to you for all your help!!!”

These are only two of the many people and pets that this non-profit organization has helped and all the volunteers that shared their home and their hearts for all the dogs that needed help.

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It all started as an idea that led to something so beautiful. A mission that aims to help not just those who want to get their life back but also for the ever-loyal dogs that are waiting patiently to be reunited with their family.

Kudos to this wonderful team and to all those who are extending their help in making this a reality!

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