It took just one girl to entice many for giant Irish flash mob
It took just one girl to entice many to join her to perform an Irish jig in the town center.
Bella Scotton

The people in Copova Ljubljana that were enjoying the day out were about to be surprised with a wonderful performance.

It All Begins With One Irish Dancer

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As the crowd is mulling about one young lady steps into the center of the street and immediately begins a Irish jig.

While she draws some attention many are still going about their business.

A Second Participant

Only after a few steps of the first dance she is joined by a second young lady.

A small circle had begun to form to watch the performer when joining her could not be resisted by one young woman. Then from the opposite of the crowd a third girl joined in.

Amazing Choreography

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These three women were in perfect step and rhythm.

It is quite evident that they were well aware of what they were doing as they did so with precision.

The Performance Grows

As the dancers process through their performance more dancers continue to join them.

It was a casual transition from standing on the sidelines watching then several became part of the dance creating a flash mob performance.

A Few Not So Sure Of Themselves

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Some that joined in didn’t seem to be part of the planned event

While the first group of dancers are dancing in perfect harmony others that are joining the dancers are not quite as well trained but are still thoroughly enjoying their participation.

The Perfect Platform

The sound of the feet hiting the solid pavement enhanced the performance.

A better platform for the dancers could not have been provided. The sound of the shoes hitting the surface of the pavement provided its own music. This really added to the performance that was entertaining the large crowd that had formed.

A Planned Event

In many cases a Flash Mob is usually an impromptu but this one appears to be a planned event as part of the Ljubljana Programme for Irish Days.

What is a Flash Mob?

Groups gather to perform some form of act that appears impromptu.

The groups usually will perform these acts as a form of entertainment. Many are spontaneous while others are planned events such as the Irish jig that took place in Ljubljana.

The History Behind Flash Mobs

Flash mobs are not something new

These have been taking place since 2003 and were first introduced in Manhattan. The first attempt was a flop. This was arranged by the senior editor of Harper’s magazine, Bill Wasik. Not long after Wasik arranged for another flash mod which was successful.

Flash Mobs That Have Gained Recognition

While there are many flash mobs that take place in many parts of the world, some have gained a lot of recognition

The Biggest Flashmob

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The size of this flash mob was staggering

Obviously a planned event as everyone was wearing something red. It took place in the France at the Bayonne’s Festival in 2011.

LPP Dancers Host Flash Mob Wedding Proposal

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Girl is surprised when her boyfriend becomes part of flash mob dancing group.

She is even more surprised when he gets down on one knee and proposes to her.

The Most Heartwarming Flash Mob


This flash mob performance was made up of family and friends

Family from five states came together to create a flash mob performance for a mom who was diagnosed with what was suspected as terminal cancer.

Lemonade Flash Mob

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One of the most impressive flash mob performances took place at the The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

This was arranged to fulfill a wish of Lisa who was a cancer center nurse who had survived cancer herself as a child. The performance was arranged by Alex’s Lemonade Stand’s 10 th Kick Off event. Lisa was also presented with the “Pitcher of Hope” Award. One of Lisa’s wishes was to be part of a flash mob event.

No matter whether a Flash Mob event is planned or spontaneous they are wonderful for bringing people together.

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