Queen's guards struggle not to faint during heat wave
These Queen's Guards are doing their best not to faint during brutal a heat-wave. Watch the video to see how they do it!
Randy Aragon

If you’ve ever had heat-stroke, you know how fast it comes on and how unpleasant it can be. Imagine if your job was not only to stand in the heat but to do so wearing an extremely hot uniform.

That’s exactly what the Queen’s Guards have to do, scroll down to see how they survive!

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As temperatures soar, Queen’s Guards are doing their best not to faint!

Standing for long periods of time can decrease your blood pressure to the point of fainting. So it’s no surprise that soldiers fainting is actually pretty common in militaries all around the world. It’s the same reason you often see people in wedding parties fainting when standing, the body doesn’t pump enough blood to the brain and next thing they know, they’re waking up.

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So when you add heat and uniforms to the standing, chances of military personal fainting sky-rockets!

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The latest heatwave in London has soldiers marching in 100-degree heat, praying they don’t faint.

One can only imagine what it feels like to wear the Queen’s Gaurd uniform and march in 100-degree weather. Their uniforms are made of thick wool and the hats of bear fir, it’s surprising more soldiers don’t faint.

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So what is the British army doing to help their Queen’s Guards not faint in the heat?

Fainting is such a problem for Queen’s Guards, the British Army is researching how to prevent it.

The painting has caught the attention of the British Army, they’ve begun doing extensive research on how they can help prevent the problem. Ian Parson, a British Army cardiologist, told Norah O’Donnell from CBS News:

“Standing for long periods of time still, that puts you at risk. Now if you add in heat into that adds in further risk.”

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While the British Army looks for solutions, there are direct, anti-fainting, techniques the Queen’s Guards use.

There are several immediate actions the Queen’s Guards take to try to avoid fainting. First and far most, staying hydrated is key. They also try to always eat their breakfast and wiggle their toes to keep the blood flowing. The British Army also suggests eating 4 times as much salt as normal and exercising in the heat.

“Stay hydrated, wiggle your toes, and if you’ve eaten stuff in the morning, you’re fine.” One Queen’s Guard told CBS News.

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Queens Guards are expected to keep some of the strictest postures of any army, that’s why wiggling their toes is the only unnoticeable way for them to keep the blood flowing.

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All though hydration, food and toe wiggling helps. In 100 degree weather, nothing’s full-proof.

Hopefully, the research Britain’s Army’s doing will yield a good solution for the Queen’s Gaurd’s in the near future. Until then, with their only defense being the 5 tips above, Queen’s Guard’s are sure to keep fainting during this excruciating summer months!

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These Queen’s Guards are doing their best not to faint during brutal a heat-wave – See how they make it, watch the video below!

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