There are a few things that everyone can agree are absolutely adorable, and one of those things are puppies. Puppies can lift anyone’s mood, and they are the cutest things ever. In this video, we see a man sing to a crate of boxer puppies and put them all peacefully to sleep.

It’s not easy to put a restless puppy to sleep, but this man has got the trick.
If you’ve ever had a puppy, you know they’re full of energy and although super adorable, a lot of work. Sometimes it can be hard to get your puppy to go to sleep at a decent time in their crate, but this man has figured out an absolutely precious way to get his puppies to hit the hay.

Every breed is different, and in this video, we see boxer puppies. Boxers are known for being intelligent, high-energy, and very playful dogs. With this in mind, the boxer puppies must be a lot to handle, but this man makes putting them to sleep look easy.

In this video, we see five boxer puppies in a crate, looking ready to play. The man tells the puppies it’s bedtime, and they all cry a little, with one especially wanting to play. However, he starts singing “Goodnite, Sweetheart, Goodnite” and the puppies can’t resist dozing off.

Two of the puppies fall asleep almost instantly, while three are putting up a fight.
The first puppies to doze off are the two white ones, both snuggling to find the perfect position, and these pups fell asleep almost instantly. Three more to go, and the one in the middle especially didn’t want to doze off just yet, but like his siblings, he couldn’t resist.

They all wiggle around finding the perfect position to sleep, while also adorably laying and snuggling with one another. Seeing five puppies all snuggled up, looking like they don’t have a care in the world, is probably one of the cutest things you’ll ever see.

As both the man and the woman videotaping are watching the puppies fall asleep like magic, the man remarks, “That’s how you do it,” while the woman videotaping replies, “I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it.”

The puppies began to wake up, but the man puts them back to sleep with ease.
The puppies begin to wake back up, but as soon as the man notices, he starts singing “Goodnite, Sweetheart, Goodnite” again, and the puppies fall back asleep still. The video ends with the man being able to go to bed himself, and everyone should take some notes out of his book!

The song he is singing to them is a classic 1950s song performed by The Spaniels. The repetitive nature of the song and the calmness of it definitely helped put these playful puppies to sleep. This song is definitely a great lullaby to know in these situations.

This video was posted on Waggle Tv, a channel to see adorable animal videos, and you can submit your own! Definitely, a channel you want to keep on your radar if you have a furry friend or if you enjoy seeing these cute animals.

Check out this magical video below, and maybe try this trick out for yourself!
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