Pit Bull Saved From Dog Fighting Ring Is Given His First Treat And His Reaction Is Priceless
Pizza is a beautiful thing when you've never been shown love.
Emma Shallcross

Dogfighting is one of the worst ‘sports’ than anyone could take part in.

In a seriously heartbreaking act, dogs are usually bred, conditioned, and specially trained to fight for the audience’s entertainment and profit. Two dogs are usually placed in a pit where they have to keep fighting until one of them simply can’t go on anymore.

It is a truly inhumane bloodsport that sadly still goes on today, despite the activity being illegal for over 180 years in the UK!


Devastatingly, for the poor little souls who fall into the hands of dogfighters, their lives are full of violence, pain, and fear.

As well as the emotional trauma, these poor babies also sustain physical injuries such as broken bones, bruising, and cuts.

They don’t know what it feels like to be given love and affection from another human being.


This means that if a dog is lucky enough to be rescued from their cruel owners, then every little piece of love and affection that they are given is a very big deal to them.


Meet Finn the pitbull, otherwise known as Mighty Finn.

Finn was rescued from some dogfighters in 2016. He was battered and bruised, and he must have been very fearful of humans back then. He didn’t know what it felt like to be loved and have nice things.

But his new owners weren’t about to give up on him.


In a video shared onto Finn’s Facebook page, we are given an adorable insight into Finn’s reaction as he is given pizza for the very first time.

Pizza is a delicious treat for any dog, but for one who has been mistreated for most of his life, just imagine what that first piece of pizza must be like!

Facebook Screenshot
Facebook Screenshot

The video, which is very accurately named ‘Pizza Crust Zoomies,’ shows an excited Finn being given his first ever bite of pizza. As soon as he takes it in his mouth, he starts to run around the room with pure joy as he devours the cheesy, pizza-y deliciousness.

The little guy is enjoying his tasty treat so much that he simply can’t sit still!


Finn zig-zags joyously around the room whilst his owner laughs and says, “You’re going to choke!”

He then runs back to his owner and stares at her with big, puppy dog eyes, as if to say, “I’d like some more please!”

As soon as he is given his next piece, the pizza crust zoomies can be resumed.


It warms our hearts to see a rescue dog now being given the love and care that he deserves.

Hopefully, Mighty Finn is now able to forget about his traumatic past and focus on the more important things (like pizza.)

So what’s been done to stop dogfighting?


Animal protection organisers like the RSPCA are making it their mission to monitor and uncover organised animal cruelty, such as dogfighting. You can also call up these charities in complete confidence if you suspect anyone you know is an illegal dogfighter.

Donating to these animal protection companies is also a good way to do your bit to ensure that more rescue dogs can get their happy ending like Finn.

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