Neighbors call 911 for woman screaming, turns out to be parrot
No wonder the footage went viral. The parrot sounds just like a woman.
Cedric Jackson

Parrots are fascinating birds. In all, there are 350 unique species. Of those, the African Grey is known for being the best talker. But others, like the Yellow Nape Amazon and Double Nape Amazon can also develop an impressive vocabulary.

As “vocal learners,” parrots can imitate a broad range of sounds, including human words. A lot of people buy this type of bird, anticipating it’ll learn all kinds of interesting things to say. But in reality, not all of them do. Depending on the environment in which they’re raised and the humans that own them, some of these birds spew out the craziest things.

The stories run rampant.


One story involved family that owned a talking parrot. While away someone tried to burglarize their home. But upon making entry, the criminals took off quickly. Come to find out, the parrot inside started talking in a way that made them think people were in the house. Way to go bird.

YouTube Screenshot/Cornell Lab of Ornithology
YouTube Screenshot/Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Yet another parrot story.

A man living in Florida kept a parrot as a pet. Unfortunately, the neighbors weren’t privy to the fact that this bird could cause a ruckus. Just before New Year’s Eve, they heard a woman screaming from inside the man’s home. It sounded exactly like someone who was in a fight for their life. So, they did the responsible thing…they called 911.

Pinterest/Jonathan Ashbeck
Pinterest/Jonathan Ashbeck

Not what they expected.

Officers were immediately dispatched to the residence in Lake Worth Beach. They feared there was some kind of hostage or domestic violence situation going on. But when they got there, they were in for a rude awakening. No woman was in trouble at all.

YouTube Screenshot/CBS News
YouTube Screenshot/CBS News

That darn parrot.

I’m sure the officers were confused when they arrived on the scene. Instead of panic, they saw a man outside working on a car. That’s when he was approached by four police officers. They were expecting a worst case scenario but that’s not what they found.


They were shocked.

The police explained to the man that his neighbors heard a woman calling out for help. He knew instantly what had happened — it was Rambo, his 40-year-old parrot. He goes into the home to get his bird to prove to the officers that everything was fine. His response, “Rambo, meet the boys in green.”


This parrot can even do tricks.

By this time, everyone had a good chuckle. But the interaction didn’t stop there. The owner explained he’d had the bird since he was a child. Being so young, and naïve, he decided to teach Rambo a rather unusual phrase, which he shared, “Help, help, let me out.” That was in response to the bird not wanting to be locked inside his cage.

YouTube Screenshot/CBS News
YouTube Screenshot/CBS News

Everything’s peaceful on the home front.

There wasn’t anything sinister going on at that Florida home. Just a tiny parrot that enjoyed taunting the neighbors. The owner knew he needed to clear things up with the people who lived next door. So, he introduced them to Rambo as well. They also thought the situation was funny.


News of the “screaming woman” story quickly went viral

Of course, Rambo’s owner had to upload a video to show people what unfolded. Everything was captured on his home surveillance camera. That’s when he decided to upload it on social media. It didn’t take any time for the video to go viral. Now with free reign on the home, one person wrote, “I love the story behind why he screams for help, now he’s a free bird sitting on his perch and not in a cage. True love.”

YouTube Screenshot/CBS News
YouTube Screenshot/CBS News

To top it off, when the officers returned to their vehicles, one of them was in for yet another surprise. Sitting on the hood was this strange-looking and rather large yellow spider. The officers began to joke that they felt they were on some type of wild animal show.

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Source: YouTube, VT
