Neighbors Help Woman With MS Get Around Her Home
Amazing to see a whole community come together to help one another!
Patricia Lynn

Kathy Felt lives in Sandy, Utah and suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. She is in a wheelchair, lives alone, and struggles with many routine daily activities. But although she has many trials, she also has many blessings.

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Kathy has been struggling with her multiple sclerosis for over 10 years.

Her disease has now progressed to the point where she is not physically able to get into her own bed. Since she lives alone, she thought her only option was to go to a nursing home. But a group of men in her neighborhood learned of her situation and decided to help.

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Kathy’s next-door neighbor came to her house with a list of names.

The list that her neighbor brought had the names of sixty men in her neighborhood willing to come to her house every night and help her get into bed. When learning of the plans the men had made, Kathy broke down in tears.

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“I was so moved. It’s my miracle,” says Kathy.

Kathy’s neighbors help her get into bed every night.

The men take turns, coming in teams of two to help Kathy get into her bed when she is ready to go to sleep. They help her take off her slippers and socks. Each man will get on either side of her and they help lift her out of her wheelchair and into her bed.

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“It’s a process” giggles Kathy, knowing the efforts that the men take to make her comfortable.

After 10 years, these men have the routine down, knowing where to place certain pillows and getting everything in the correct place so that Kathy can reach what she needs. Kathy has two sons who help her get ready in the morning.

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Some of the men were hesitant at first.

Keith Pugmeier is the organizer of the group. He puts together the schedule for the men so they have an assigned night to help Kathy. But many of the men admit that they were not too excited at the idea when first proposed. Many of them because they did not have any medical training or just the fact of being in another woman’s home, made them uncomfortable at first.

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John Keller was honest enough to admit that he did not even want to participate at first. Afraid not helping would make him look bad, he agreed.

“I had always considered myself the good person, Christian – then I realized maybe I’m not. I wanted to be a better person.” explains John.

But his attitude has since changed. Helping Kathy has helped him as well. Kathy says thanks to the generosity of the men, she finally feels good again. The efforts and kindness of the men have touched her heart in a way that she cannot repay.

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Multiple Sclerosis is a terrible disease.

Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have damage to their central nervous system. It is an auto-immune disease that causes the body to fight against its own nervous system, attacking the myelin that surrounds the nerve fibers. The damaged areas eventually scar, which is where the term multiple sclerosis comes from multiple “scarring” meaning: sclerosis.

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But Kathy is one blessed woman. She has a whole community of men willing to give their time and energy to help her.

Check out this encouraging story below!

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