As any busy adult knows, keeping your space clean isn’t always easy. No matter how determined you may be to have a tidy home, sometimes life just gets in the way. Chores go undone, messes go unsorted, and rooms in general just don’t look their best.
Keeping a place clean is a constant chore, and it can become quite mundane. Some people are definitely more on top of it than others, and that is absolutely okay.
Stephen Mckears isn’t the tidiest man. And hey – at age 72, who could blame him?! The man keeps a shed on his property, and in it are all of his tools. As you can imagine, it is hard to keep perfectly neat.

One day Stephen noticed something mysterious. His usually unkempt shed was tidier than ever! It had happened over night, and Stephen couldn’t figure out who would have done such a thing. Every last object was organized and stored in a special place. It was as if Stephen had hired a maid – except that he knew he hadn’t.
At first the old man didn’t know what to make of the mystery. This hidden mover seemed to be mocking him. After years of placing items here and there, someone was finally straightening it all out. Stephen kept wondering who it could have been.

The man hatched a plan to catch the secret sorter in action. First he had to establish that someone really was moving his belongings. He emptied out his tub and scattered its contents about the shed. Then he left for bed, wondering what news the next day would bring.
In the morning, Stephen discovered something incredible. Every last screw was back in its place. What was going on here??
“One day I emptied the tub out and spread the contents on the side – and the next day they were all back in again. I thought I was going mad,” Stephen told SWNS.

He contacted Rodney Holbrook, a neighbor with whom Stephen had developed a close friendship. Rodney was a wildlife photographer, so he was familiar with secret visitors who wandered in from the wild. Of course, he was eager to be on the project. Together the two set about solving the mystery of the midnight mover.
The men set up a camera to catch the cleaner in his tracks.“Steve asked if he could use my trail camera to film whatever it was that was moving the objects in his shed,” Rodney shared. What they found was completely adorable.

A little mouse was cleaning the shed for Stephen! This little guy had been living in the shed, and he proudly tidied his home each night.

“The mouse was chucking things into the box – we thought it was a ghost or something at first,” Rodney remembered. “I thought, ‘I have to see this for myself.’”

The shed had been quite messy when Stephen had gone to bed the night before his big mouse hunt. He began to speculate about what this cute little creature did with his time.

“It was [cleaning] for about two hours that night – he must have had to go for a sleep after it.”

Rodney was bewildered by this little fellow.
“I was quite amazed to see it – it is an amazing mouse.”

“I’ve been calling him Metal Mickey but some people have been saying he’s just mouse proud,” he quipped.

Stephen definitely appreciated his curious companion.
“I’ve seen a mouse moving objects to make a nest but never metal objects. It’s quite amazing. It’s still busy doing it now.”

This little mouse was just full of surprises! Who knew these squeaky animals could be SO WONDERFUL?!

Do you have any stories about an animal doing a good deed? If so, let us know in the comments below!
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