Moody boxer hilariously gives his mom the silent treatment
Talk about giving the cold shoulder!
Luis Gaskell

Rodney is a 3-year old boxer who does not appreciate being left alone, and the expression in his floppy ears, adorable black eyes and huge, droopy jowls makes that really clear.

It was a brief few minutes that his mom left him alone in the car to run to a yard sale. It wasn’t hot or anything – in fact, at 10°c it was actually rather cold. No, rather it was the unwanted vamoosing that he was placed on the receiving end of.

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In his defense, I would be pretty upset too if someone just skedaddled on me like that.

Seeing how the Boxer has family-dog in its genes, it’s not hard to see why his mom departing unannounced got under Rodney’s skin.

And for all the reasons that could have been behind it, it had to be a yard sale.

And boy does Rodney want her to know he didn’t like it. When she notices that he’s giving her the cold shoulder, she starts recording and asks him straightforward.

“What’s the matter? Are you upset at me for leaving you in the car?”

“Rodney’s mad that I left him in the car when I went to the yard sale. And now he won’t scoot over.” she says as Rodney skulks in the driver’s seat

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Geez, mom. As if that isn’t a totally reasonable thing to be upset by. Imagine if someone vamoosed off to a silly yard sale and left you alone in the car. So what if you found some cute old jeans and flower pots there?

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When he’s not giving you the silent treatment, though, Rodney is nothing less than a big old sweetie. He even has a Facebook page. Scrolling through his pictures, it’s pretty apparent that looks alone aren’t enough to know if Rodney is mad at you.

This isn’t a look. This is just my face.

When your dog has RBF (resting Boxer face), it can be tough to tell when they’re actually mad at you. Rodney seems quite playful and easy-going most of the time, despite the perpetual puppy pout.

For example, his photos tell us that he loves naps and cozy blankets. He also loves toys and taking bites out of mom’s food when she isn’t looking, particularly Japanese food.

But under no circumstances should you leave him alone in the car. No siree.

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It feels like a full minute of disapproving silence in the car. His mom takes several goes at jesting him and talking to him, in the hopes that he’ll forgive and forget. But his silence is, ironically, pretty loud.

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After roughly a whole minute trying to jest and perk him out of his bad mood, it looks like he’s about to forgive mom and let it go.

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But nope – false alarm. He’s still mad.

Boxers are said to have “playful” temperaments, but Rodney sure doesn’t look like he’s playing around. Hey mom, “Watchdog” doesn’t mean “Watch me go off to a yard sale while you wait in the car by yourself“.

I mean, if you’re going to leave him to go to a yard sale, the least you could do is bring back something for him.

Whatever she saw at that yard sale, it better had been worth it. Although we’re sure that Rodney and his mom settled things off-camera since then.

After all, it’d be quite awkward to ask for snacks and pats from someone you just gave the cold shoulder too. Sure, maybe Rodney’s day was ruined, but watching his reaction might make ours. Watch the full video below.

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