No one near the equator needs to be reminded that this has been the hottest year in forever. The scorching heat has gotten the best of millions in 2019. No one knows that better than one man who resides in northern Mexico, Adolfo Pazzi Ahumada.
You see, this summer, temperatures have skyrocketed. One day this summer, Ahumada noticed the temperature was 104°F and feeling every bit as much as that. But he also noticed he was out of milk, something he liked to keep in the house.

Since he didn’t wish to venture far, he decided to take a short trip to the nearest convenience store to get some. He went to the local OXXOO, a Mexican chain of convenience stores, with over 14,000 stores across Latin America. It is the largest chain of convenience stores in Latin America. To give you a picture of this, it would be the equivalent to 7-Eleven. We all know how “kind” those stores can be!

What Ahumada saw was much sweeter than the delectable one might make with said “leche” he went to get. “A stray dog was being fed and getting water from the [store] clerk,” Ahumada said. “Then I saw they let the dog inside.”
“He has been here the past [few] days. We suspect he was left behind by his owner. He came to us for help,” the clerk told Ahumada. “We could only provide him with food, water and some toys from the store that we paid with our money.”

It’s not often we see businessmen, clerks or CEOs, acting with such kindness. But this man is not what one would expect. He is not like other men. “We let him inside because the temperature outside is really hell-like,” the clerk said. “We feel bad for him, but he looks happier around the store.”
Seeing what a beautiful thing the clerk had done, Ahumada took a snap of the dog. The owner of the store hopes one of the shoppers would take him home and adopt him. He feels his life is too busy to give him the proper care that he needs.

Ahumada feels the same way. So he did what he could. He bought the dog a treat and wished the storekeeper well. At least he is in a safe place with the clerk who will surely keep him as long as he needs to.
We can rest assured where one thing is concerned. The dog will not spend one more day waterless in the deserts of northern Mexico on this blistering summer. “I felt bad for what the dog has passed through,” Ahumada said. “But he is now receiving the love he deserves.”

There are currently no updates as to who the dog is living with or where. But we do know that with Ahumada keeping an eye on him, he will surely find a good home soon if he hasn’t already.
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