5 Things about men over 40 that all women should know
This make a lot of sense to me.
Kate Miano

Whether you’re married to the guy already or looking to date him, it seems like the things we all want from our partners changes so much at each stage of life.

In your 20s you have so much to figure out about yourself and the world, in your 30s it feels like everyone around you is getting married, and by your 40s most people have a whole new set of priorities.

Pexels - Cleyder Duque
Pexels - Cleyder Duque

And if you have your eyes on a cute man in his 40s or are already married to him, that requires a whole new set of rules.

By age 40, a man may have already gone through a divorce, and might have a family, so his priorities for dating are important to know early on. Whether you are also in your 40s, or a bit older or younger, these tips will help you understand exactly what that cutie in his 40s wants!

Pexels - Mikhail Nilov
Pexels - Mikhail Nilov

Tip #1: Money Matters

No, this is not the same thing as being a “gold-digger”. But, in a stable, modern, relationship, it is important that both partners can support themselves.

Pexels - Mentatdgt
Pexels - Mentatdgt

So, wanting to date a man who can provide for himself and you is not some malicious goal. It’s actually just a way to predict whether he’s ambitious and if he truly has the ability to take anything seriously, like a relationship.

Tip #2: Don’t try to change him

By their 40s, men are thoroughly set in their ways. While they may have listened to some of your advice to improve their lives when they were younger, by age 40, they know who they are and what they want out of life.

Pexels - Pexels User
Pexels - Pexels User

According to the Dating Advice Guru, trying to change a man who is in his 40s will only turn him off. He says, “The key for you is to choose a guy who is perfect enough, and leave it at that.” Besides, no one can be perfect all of the time!

Pexels - Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas
Pexels - Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas

Tip #3: He wants some simple things from a partner

And apparently, what he wants is not too hard to be, either! Turns out, men are mostly just looking for a partner that is fun and honest. They don’t want a lot of drama or demands, they just want to be able to laugh and put their trust in you.

Pexels - Lenny Furman
Pexels - Lenny Furman

Tip #4: Loyalty is essential

We all want to be able to trust that our partner will stick around, even on our bad days. Men in their 40s want to know that when they make a mistake, you will be patient and not run away at the first sign of trouble.

Pexels - Josh Willink
Pexels - Josh Willink

According to, “trust and commitment in relationships lead to happiness and promote well-being— couples who have loyalty can, therefore, expect to be more satisfied in their relationships and their lives.”

And loyalty is a two-way street! If you give trust and unconditional love, you will get it in return.

Pexels - Ketut Subiyanto
Pexels - Ketut Subiyanto

Tip #5: Men in their 40s want commitment!

While many stereotypes make it seem like men want to live the bachelor life, and are impossible to tie down, this is actually not the case. Because men value loyalty and trust so much, it makes sense that commitment is the next logical step for them.

Pexels - Nataza Krys
Pexels - Nataza Krys

In addition to becoming more stable in his career and looking for someone to share a good life with, men in their 40s are also witnessing many of their friends get married and start their own families. Single men in their 40s may have already gone through a divorce too, so they could be feeling extra insecure about their single status, and might want be ready to really settle down.

For more tips for locking down that man you have your eyes on, watch the video below.

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