Apparently, there’s a reason men don’t listen to women
Do you think the reason is valid?
Cedric Jackson

As a woman, have you ever been in a conversation where you felt men weren’t listening? Perhaps you were sharing some exciting news with your husband yet he didn’t hear a word you said. Or maybe you were at a company gathering and when you started to speak, the men turned around and walked away.

It doesn’t matter if the men are husbands, uncles, boyfriends, brothers, nephews, sons, or even friends, they’re all bad listeners. It’s important to know that they’re not ignoring you because you’re boring. They truly can’t hear you.

Discover the truth


Come to find out, there’s a reason this happens. If this sounds familiar, you’ll love these interesting facts that’ll help clear up this mystery. Just remember, it’s not you but them.

Unsplash/Sharon McCutcheon
Unsplash/Sharon McCutcheon

Study results

In a recent study, experts found that because of the way that men’s brains are wired, they hear women’s voices differently. You see, in certain parts of the male brain, activity is lower than in a female. For that reason, the brain struggles to decipher what women say whereas, when talking to another man, they don’t have any problem.

Unsplash/Product School
Unsplash/Product School


Further, the research showed that men have a difficult time understanding not only what women are saying but also what they’re feeling. How many times have you felt that a male in your life didn’t get your emotions? Well, now you know why.

Unsplash/Thought Catalog
Unsplash/Thought Catalog

Larynx and vocal cords

Here’s another fascinating fact. Due to the size of women’s larynx and vocal cords, they have a higher-pitched voice. While not fair, men generally don’t take them as seriously as they do other males. The experts also found that people naturally trust someone with a lower-pitched voice, which is why men are often seen in leadership roles.

YouTube Screenshot/Futurist Virtual Keynote Speaker Patrick Dixon
YouTube Screenshot/Futurist Virtual Keynote Speaker Patrick Dixon

Sound enhancement

But wait, there’s more. Women use a lot more sounds when talking than men do. That combined with the fact that females tend to have a more melodic tone to their voices makes it hard for men’s brains to decipher words. Wow…who knew?

YouTube Screenshot/A Gardner
YouTube Screenshot/A Gardner


Unfortunately, some people believe that women talk a lot more than men do. Tired of hearing their voices, males shut them out. But in the study, researchers noted that both males and females talk roughly the same amount. As for context, they noted very little difference between the two genders.

Unsplash/Stefano Intintoli
Unsplash/Stefano Intintoli

No hope

That’s simply not true. Although there’s no magic pill, for women dealing with this, there is hope. You can be heard.

Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez
Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez

A frustrating scenario

Women need to understand that when men don’t seem to be listening, more than likely, it’s because they can’t rather than they don’t want to. Regardless, it’s frustrating. So, what can people do to improve communication?

Unsplash/Chris Blonk
Unsplash/Chris Blonk

Pay attention to the research

Just knowing that the brains of males and females are wired differently helps. If you’re in a relationship, the two of you can read up on the subject matter to better understand it. Even then, both parties are going to have to put in some hard work.

YouTube Screenshot/Finding Earth
YouTube Screenshot/Finding Earth

No distractions

If possible, have conversations when there aren’t a lot of nearby distractions. Also, men need to focus more. That means giving a woman’s voice their full attention and allowing their brains to catch up, so to speak.

Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez
Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez

Often, improvement comes from acceptance and compassion. Bridging the gap of communication isn’t something that’ll happen overnight. It’ll take time and patience.

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Source: Bright Side, The Business Journal
