This Is Why They Call Dogs Man's Best Friend
This will melt your heart <3
D.G. Sciortino

Dogs… they don’t call them man’s best friend for nothing. Though one walks upright and the other on four-legs, there is no relationship quite like that of a man and his dog.

The bond they share is unbreakable and hard to match.

They learn to rely on each other, take care of each other, and serve as a shoulder to lean when needed.

The video below perfectly captures the special relationship between a man and his best friend, a dog named Jackson, who are enjoying a pleasure cruise on Pawtuckaway Lake in Nottingham, New Hampshire.


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“While visiting my husband’s parents on Father’s Day, we decided to take an afternoon cruise of Pawtuckaway Lake on the family pontoon boat,” said the video’s caption reads. “Jackson has happily riding along with us since he was a puppy and loves to feel the cool breeze in the summertime. At one point during the ride, he decided to jump up to sit next to my husband.”

That jump turned into a full out cuddle lovefest.

“He kept putting his chin on my husband’s shoulder, looking for a hug and enjoying the wind in his hair,” Jackson’s mom said. “I had been taking pictures as he did this, but when he really got comfortable and started dozing off, I thought I should take a video to really capture how sweet this moment actually was and it wasn’t just a quick moment either.”

Jackson just couldn’t help but to snuggle up with his dad and stay there in his arms.

“He was hugging his dad for a good few minutes before this was even taken. Jackson is basically the sweetest dog ever, and he loves being with his people, wherever that may be!”

Throughout the entire video, Jackson’s dad is just sitting there lovingly stroking him.

And Jackson has the happiest most peaceful look on his face. It’s absolutely adorable. They both look they are in heaven and super content to just be there with each other.

You can check out these two best buddies and their special moment in the video above.

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