Man with cerebral palsy becomes world-class strongman
For Miles Taylor, nothing is impossible
Khadija Bilal

Life isn’t always fair. It can deal us a difficult hand, putting unfair obstacles in our way, but as we’ve seen time and time again, the power of the human spirit to rise above those obstacles can be simply extraordinary, and Miles Taylor is a living embodiment of that.

Miles was born with cerebral palsy. This condition makes movement difficult, with common symptoms being poor coordination and weakened muscles. Those definitely aren’t the best conditions for someone who wants to hit the gym and become a weightlifter, but that hasn’t stopped Miles!

It’s something I have to live with. There’s nothing I can do about it. Just got to make the most of what you got.

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For Miles, CP isn’t a disability, it’s a source of motivation, pushing him to work harder, aim higher, and push his body beyond its limits.

So, even though lifting weights, performing pull ups, and undertaking other forms of weight training and physical exercise are harder for him than they would be for someone without CP, his determination and passion help him exceed expectations.

Miles, 24, works out with friends and trainers at NEVERsate Gym in Westminster, Maryland.

He goes to the gym three times a week, building up his strength, gaining five whole pounds of muscle in the last year alone, and inspiring millions along the way after a video of him setting a national record went viral.

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He deadlifted 156 pounds, a record in his weight class, and received messages from people all over the globe in the weeks and months that followed.

To know that somebody just like me is inspired by me, that’s just great.

His own inspiration comes from his his mother, Laurell, who passed away in 2009. Laurell adopted Miles from a Vietnamese orphanage when he was just a baby.

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Even though Laurell isn’t around to see her son’s achievements, he’s not alone. His best friend works out with him at the gym, and his spiritual father, Ralph Cappiello, is always by his side.

Ralph has known Miles since he was a baby and was a friend of his mother’s.

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As well as lifting weights, setting records, and inspiring people around the globe, Miles is also in the middle of setting up his own professional photography business and does some graphic design too!

He’s a multi-talented miracle, showing that CP won’t stop him living his life to the fullest and pursuing every single one of his dreams.

I always want to grow. I always want to learn. I’m just going to keep going until my body doesn’t know.

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Nicolai Myers, Miles’ friend since grade school and the man who introduced him to weightlifting, says that there are no limits to what his buddy can be capable of.

He hasn’t shown us he has a limit up until this point. He’s only getting stronger.

What an inspiration! Miles is setting an amazing example for all of us, and you can learn more about him in the video below.

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