Notes Asking For Help From Bank Of America
These customers were shocked when they saw what came out of the ATM machine.
Britanie Leclair

Have you ever come across a mysterious note or message? If so, what thoughts crossed your mind?

What if this message was a handwritten note asking for help?

Would you take it seriously?

Well, on July 12th, 2017, a few Bank of America customers got quite the surprise when a drive-thru ATM began spitting out notes asking them for their help.

“Please help,” one of the notes reads. “I’m stuck in here, and I don’t have my phone. Please call my boss.”


Although most customers took the notes as some kind of weird joke or prank, it turns out that one contractor was having a really bad day.

On this day in question, the contractor had been sent to fix the lock on the room connecting the drive thru ATM to the bank. Unfortunately, he somehow manages to lock himself in.

Although in regular circumstances, the contractor could have called his boss himself, on this particular day, he had left his phone inside his truck.

Not knowing what else to do, he begins to write little notes on pieces of paper, passing them to customers through the ATM’s receipt dispenser slot.


As mentioned, most of the customers did not take these notes seriously, assuming them to be some kind of bizarre joke. Luckily though, one curious passerby decides to alert the authorities.

Corpus Cristi Police Senior Officer Richard Olden tells KZTV10:

“We come out here, and sure enough we can hear a little voice coming from the machine. So we are thinking this is a joke. It’s gotta be a joke.”


The contractor was stuck in the ATM room for 2 hours total. He was finally freed when police officers manage to kick the door down.

“The poor guy was just mortified,” police spokesperson Gena Pena reports.

Although the experience was probably pretty scary, it could have been much worse for the poor contractor— can you imagine if no one had taken his notes seriously?

Corpus Cristi police seem to have gotten a kick out of the whole situation, with Senior Officer Olden telling KZTV10:

“Everyone is okay, but you will never see this in your life, that somebody was stuck in the ATM. It was just crazy.”

Well, it would seem that all is well that ends well, but this should serve as an important reminder to not dismiss mysterious notes quite so quickly!

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