Little girl’s dance moves lead family band through epic ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts’ cover
One of the best Beatles covers I've ever seen!
B.T. Swezey

Quarantine has been an interesting time for all of us.

For some, it has been relaxing.

For others, boring.

For some, it has been that long-desired reprieve from the torturous monotony of their 9 to 5.


While still for others it has been a great excuse to get all of those personal projects out of the way.

For one family, it has been an awesome opportunity to get artistic.

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Which should come as no surprise for anyone who knows the Clark family.

According to their YouTube page Colt and the Quarantine Kids, Colt, the father, is a professional musician, while Aubree, the mother, is a professional photographer.


These two make their living performing art.

So once their kids were old enough, mom and dad made sure to put some instruments in their hands.

Since dad already had the six-string covered, he decided to give a bass guitar to one son and a set of drums to the other.

The daughter apparently has yet to find an instrument that suits her, but she makes up for it with her adorable dance moves.

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Having a full house is nothing new for the Clarks, even before the quarantine.

Colt and Aubree homeschool the kids so there is always plenty of people around the house.

But quarantine has definitely given the entire family a little more time to focus on their newest project: Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids.

This is their family band that consists of…well everyone.

The two sons and dad are on the instruments, the daughter is the frontwoman, and mom is behind the scenes filming the whole thing.

When the family decided to put together a cover of The Beatles, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” it was nothing short of spectacular.

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The father is clearly a gifted guitar player as he opens up the song with a smooth sounding riff on the guitar.

Then both of the sons chime in with the bass and the drums and the good vibes don’t stop until the song is over.

I was very impressed with how well both sons could keep rhythm at such a young age.

The band gets introduced by the adorable daughter who precedes to rock out in center stage for the entire song.

It makes for one awesome music video.

But what’s even more awesome is the fact that this family is spending time doing something productive and fun together.

In an age when Facetiming someone on your phone is more common than actually seeing them face to face, it’s nice to know that there are still some families out there who are spending time together the old-fashioned way.

According to The Guardian, the average person spends about 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phone each day.


Think about all the extra time you could be spending with your family and friends if you just put your phone down!

And spending time as a family is not only beneficial when it comes to strengthening your relationships with each other, but it is also good for your mental health as well.

According to Highlands Spring Clinic, “Interacting with a close social network—especially face-to-face communication, as opposed to digital—significantly reduces the occurrence of depression, anxiety, and other mental illness.”


So if you find yourself running out of ways to spend your quarantine time, think about doing something with the whole family.

Make music, play games, or even just sit around and talk.


Because time is never wasted when it is spent with the ones that you love.

And who knows, you might even come up with something YouTube-worthy.


The Clarks did, and we all benefited from that.

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YouTube Screenshot

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