This little girl and her dog speak a language special to them
This young girl diagnosed with epilepsy has one special bond with her dog Dude.
Haley Bean

When you mix little kids with pets, the results can be positive, negative, or exceed expectations and bring you something you never expected. Meet Everlee and her best pal Dude. Ever since the 2-year-old and the husky pup met they have been inseparable. There’s a special bond between kids and their big dogs and Everlee and Dude are no different. The two have even come up with their own language that is special to them that no one else can replicate, or understand for that matter, and it’s incredible. The short video has been sweeping the internet for the touching moment that these two beings share on a daily basis.

The two have discovered a call and response way of talking to each other and it’s impossible to tell who is cuter, Everlee or Dude. In the video the two are sitting on a picnic table beside each other and whenever Everlee howls, Dude responds with a howl of his own. Everlee’s mom posted the Snapchat video to Facebook and it soon went viral with thousands of views on Youtube and shares on social media. The video only goes on for a minute, but her mother says that this is a regular occurrence.

There have been similar videos of kids and their dogs howling back and forth to each other a few times, but Everlee and Dude clearly have something special. How many dog videos are out there that keep the conversation going for this long? And the sounds aren’t even exactly howling, Dude’s responses sound so human-like that if you were only listening to the video, it would probably be a little confusing as to who was making what sounds.

Everlee just smiles as she swings her feet with a giggle that is positively contagious while Dude just lays there with a look that makes it seem like this is the most normal thing in the world for them. What makes this story even sweeter is that these conversations give Everlee and outlet that she may not otherwise have. The two-year-old has been diagnosed with Epilepsy, a seizure disorder that affects the brain. This diagnosis has delayed her speech development, so she talks to Dude in a language only they can understand. Having friends like Dude make growing up with an illness like Epilepsy easier to cope with and can make symptoms seem less scary.

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